: Twenty-seven

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┊ ⇄ ◁ ◁ II ▷ ▷ ↻ ┊

His breath hitched as he waited for the person beside him to answer. Owen can't help but hid his face with his fist-- feeling the slow crept of the flushness on his face.

He's too blunt right where he can't stop his mouth from blurting out things.

As the bus continued moving, only the sound of its engine can be heard. The thing called love is a strong word. It's hard to explain as it's confusing it can be.

Owen slowly peeked at the person beside him who have been too quiet since earlier. His ears picked up some soft snores coming from her.

The feeling of nervousness dissipated. His hand slowly reached towards the cap on her head.

When the tip of his fingers touched the cap, he slowly pulled it up seeing her messy hair and flushed face.

He contemplated for a bit, hesitating to do something.

As he rubbed the back of his neck, he heaved a sigh before secretly moving on his seat. He outstretched his hands right where her head is.

His hands slowly guided it towards his shoulder.

Haru hummed making him tensed up but as she's not waking up, his shoulder relaxed once again.

Owen leaned at the seat still supporting her head. His eyes are just opened wide as if seeing something at the air.

He's in daze.

On the inside, he's thinking a lot of things. Things on what he should do and he's trying to not make her uncomfortable.

The seat is uncomfortable, he can feel that his neck is getting stiff from it.

'Oh', An idea came on his mind. His fist met his palm as he realized something.

A grin etched on his lips before resting his head on top of hers. He hummed inside of his head, definitely happy on what he just did.

But did he even realize his mistake?

Not waking her up, awake alone in the bus, sucks at direction, only his silly-self filled up his mind.

"Idiot.", Haru muttered, rubbing her heated up forehead.

After the nap she just did, she sprang up on her seat realizing that they're already far away from their stop. She can't just blame him when it's also her fault for going even when having a fever.

They waited for another one to go back right to their stop. Owen just held up a smile as he's spending a time with her, alone.

Her hand fiddled up on her phone, opening it to see what time is it already. They're already late and the race already started.

Minu and Dom are the ones who's going to compete.

"Careful.", Owen held her shoulders, pulling her close to him.

People began to crowd the stop, waiting for the bus to come just like the two. Unbeknownst to him, a tint of pink crept up on her face.

She mumbled incoherent words to herself, still thinking on what she should do. She's just going to send a message to Minu on how she won't be able to come.

Haru turned at the blonde to face him, she unconsciously flinched seeing that his eyes were already at hers.

Her heart beats erratically.

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