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┊ ⇄ ◁ ◁ II ▷ ▷ ↻ ┊

It was a typical day. People are conversing here and there, discussing various events that happened on their day.

The skies were clear and the sun shone vividly below.

The flipping pages of a paper reverberated around the room, which had white walls and ceiling that could literally affect one's eye.

A clock continued ticking with its hands as the time goes by. It was calming that people couldn't help but doze off on their own bed.

"Where?", A faint voice from the person on the bed questioned.

It was cold and warm at the same time.

She was greeted by the blinding light, which made it difficult for her to adjust her vision. A groan came out from her lips as she attempted to sit up in her position.

"Owen?", She called out the first person she saw inside the room.

He was sleeping soundly on the sofa near the door. His blonde hair was disheveled and it almost covered his face.

A book was on the top of his chest as his right hand was grasping on it. Haru hurriedly covered her mouth to restrain herself from laughing. Her body trembled as she's having a hard time to not wake the blonde.

'Korean 101'

She was aware that he was definitely working hard, but seeing his messy look with the book, it's as if he had a war with it.

Haru pulled the blanket on top of her and attempted to stand up.


The gravity pulled her heavy body on the ground, which created a loud thud inside the room.

Owen, who was sleeping soundly, was startled awake. The book fell out of his body as he stood up with worry evident on his eyes.

"Are you okay?", His voice quivered.

He held her body on his arms and laid her down on the bed.

Haru patted his head, assuring him that she was fine. The unexpected fall terrified her. Her legs were barely holding her up, and she couldn't move it properly.

It's as if her strength was taken away.

"Just call me if you need help, okay?", He was crouching down on the floor as he hugged her waist, burying his face on her stomach.

The day proceeded normally. He called the nurse to bring out the food for her to eat and regain a little bit of strength from it.

She almost barfed out the food, it doesn't really taste good.

When she was done eating, her face turned pale. She mumbled on how horrible it tasted and she doesn't want to eat those for other days she'll be staying at the hospital.

"Here.", Owen suddenly popped in front of her.

His finger brushed on her lips as he fed her with a sweet candy.

A tint of pink crept up on her cheeks as she saw him giving her a teasing smile. She just huffed her cheeks and nibbled on the candy he gave to her.

"What are you grinning about?", She asked.

ZEPHYR (Wind Breaker fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang