: Twenty-five

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┊ ⇄ ◁ ◁ II ▷ ▷ ↻ ┊

"What are you doing here?"

Haru questioned after the long silence that they just had exchanged. She can't look at him directly, his presence is pressuring her even if he's standing far away from her.

He stood up tall with his hands clasped on his back, his eyes narrowed as he clicked his tongue.

The silence is unbearable, Haru slightly tilted her head at the back seeing the three girls who's just waiting for what's going to happen.

She made a 'shoo-ing' motion to them, it's definitely going to be awkward if they're going to stay for much longer.

The young master stared right where she's motioning her hands but saw nothing, he emitted a dark aura around him as his anger rose up.

He marched where she is and snatched up her arm, "How long will you keep me waiting?"

Her breathe hitched and tried to avoid the gaze he's giving her. Haru tried to pull back her arm but his strength won't let her as if to stop her from escaping.

"I'll evetually.. come, you know?", She sheepishly said at the man in front of her.

The man only just scoffed, he finally let go of her arm and motioned something to Sebastian who only nodded at him.

Haru yelped finding herself in the arms of the butler, its grip tighten on her body as she tried to get down.

"I apologize, young miss." 

She grimaced and gave up from doing futile efforts to get away. 

Sebastian let her sit at the back together with the man who just crossed his legs while putting a hand on top of the leg.

"How many times did you missed our appointment?", He asked with his impassive look. 

Despite having dark circles under his eyes, his pale skin and good looking face stood out the most. A birthbark under his lips is really noticeable and made his face more charming.

He emits an elegance and pride around him, due to it, people hardly approach him. 

"Two times..?" 

"Six times, Koharu.", The tone of his voice gave her shudder. It's strict and compressed. 

Haru just laughed and took a sight on the man beside her who looks serious and dignified. Sebastian just drives quietly until they reached their destination. 

The man opened the door and held out a hand for her to reach. She hesitated to held his hand but she have no choice and he just suddenly grasped her hands pulling her out.

He wore his white coat and glasses as Sebastian gave documents on his hands.

They stood up in front of a large hospital. 

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