: Eighteen

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┊ ⇄ ◁ ◁ II ▷ ▷ ↻ ┊


"It doesn't concern you." Jay stated making Minu upset at his answer. It infuriates something inside him, a punch would do but he must resist himself from doing it.

Minu sighed as he fixed his hair by slicking it back, making him more presentable. He leaned his back at the bench as stared at Jay, he won't stop until he gives him a proper answer.

"Then what about Shelly? I know you already noticed their feelings for you, a popular guy, huh." Minu huffed at his seat, secretly rolling his eyes. He doesn't even know how those girls caught some feelings for the stone sitting beside him.

Jay sighed, getting tired of the conversation. "I told you, I'm not interested in dating 'yet'."

"Then, you don't even care that Shelly kissed you?" Minu asked.

Jay jolted on his seat as a blush crept up on his cheek. He's getting irked at the continuous questions that Minu keeps giving him and why he's that curious?

"Shut up." Jay gritted his teeth as he stared at the ground.

"You know that Mia has liked you for ages, right?"

Minu was greeted by silence, it only means yes.

"Like what I told you, I'll take care of Mia so you look after Shelly." A smirk is evident on Minu's face. He can't say that Haru likes him when she doesn't confessed yet.

But we all knew, right? That Jay has feelings for Mia.


"So, you're saying that this childhood friend of yours like someone here in Korea?" Haru asked as she kept tapping on the keyboard in front of her. She's on a call with Owen who pestered her as a compensation of her not replying to him.

Owen hummed in return as he also taps on the keyboard quite loudly, "Yeah, and they even have a picture!" He whined at her.

"So, you're jealous?" She questioned but only silence greeted her. Her hands stopped from moving and tried to adjust the volume just making it sure that there's no problem on it. 

She's ready to speak again but Owen finally answered.

"I liked her, but I don't know?" He gave an answered which she didn't expect.

Haru thought that Owen will answer 'Yes!' with enthusiasm on his voice but he gave a hesitant one. Her eyes squinted as she tried to think a reason of the sudden change of him but there's nothing?

"Are you sick or what?" Her sudden question made Owen laugh, tears began to form on the edge of his eyes from laughing too long. 

Haru grumbled under her breath on how Owen continues making fun of her. She ended the call and quitted the game they're playing right now together. She's a short fused person that's why it's a good thing that she didn't stay too long or else she might say something not good to Owen.

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