: Seven

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┊ ⇄ ◁ ◁ II ▷ ▷ ↻ ┊

Feeling the excitement of the people, they keep cheering and yelling for the person they put their bets on. She found herself standing against the crowd, feeling a little bit exasperated on how she have to go with him again.

She walked away and went towards to the chauffeur to tell him that she's just gonna walk around. The chauffeur was hesitating to answer but seeing her frustrated looks on how long he's taking to answer, he just nodded. She smiled and hummed as she walks away leaving the trembling chauffeur. 

She wandered around, feeling a little bit free on what she wanted to do. She passed by many shops, but there's nothing interesting that can catch her attention. She pats her pocket and grabbed her wallet.

Haru opened it and only contains a small amount of money, she's getting a little bit hungry.

She saw an ice cream stall from afar, she sighed and walks towards it. At least, there's something she can buy to satisfy her hunger a little bit. Tomorrow, after the last photoshoot that she will take, she decided to go back to Korea.

She didn't even know if her time in England is worth it to spend on, as she what have thought, Korea is much more interesting place especially with him there. 

Haru sat on one of the benches, eating her dark chocolate flavored ice cream peacefully. Her eyes wandered and spotted a man biting a ice popsicle on his hand, she cringe as if feeling the pain when her teeth meets the cold popsicle.

'People who bites those are crazy.' She thought as she looks away.

Suddenly, a group of thugs formed a circle around her. People around looks a little bit wary but stayed away from the scene, scared that they might involve themselves from it. 

It's cliché.

She just continued licking her ice cream, not even giving them a glance. It agitated the thugs and pulled her arm that's holding her food, she sighed and dropped the ice cream on his so called brand new shoes. 

She ticked them off.

"Hey, what are you doing?" A familiar voice made them stopped. They looked at the side and saw Owen with his serious smug face staring at them with a little bit of hostility. When the person who's holding her arm loosen his guard, she used her palm to strike his chin.

A crack can be heard and he fell down, his underlings looked at them with shock. 

"Filthy." She muttered as she grabs her handkerchief from her pocket and wiped her hands on it. She threw the hanky on the leader who's unconscious, the underlings backed off and carried the leader.

The passersby just clapped at her making her annoyed. After just watching from the side, all they can do is to clap? Amazing. 

Haru met Owen's eyes. 

"What?" She grunts, feeling exhausted. He grabbed at her wrist and stared at the red lines that formed from being held earlier. She raised a brow at him as she pulled her arm.

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