: Eleven

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┊ ⇄ ◁ ◁ II ▷ ▷ ↻ ┊ 


Oii   7:43

Answer me :O   7:43

Are u angry??   7:44

It'z becuz i didn't say gudbye to u? ^^   7:44

Chiharu scrunched her brows as she reads the texts that kept going on and on. It's written on English and who only calls her that is,


Tf who are u?   7:45

She decided to pretend to not know the person who kept sending a message to her. Her lips curled up as the person suddenly stopped from sending, she's having too fun with this. She's kind of thankful that her mood lifted up just from it.

The phone vibrated again on her hand and it continuously rings waiting for her to pick it up. Haru snickered on herself as she kept rejecting it but on the other side the person is not giving up until she answers. She sighed knowing that it won't stop and it might bother the other students.

She stared at the screen for a long time, thinking if the decision she will make is right. She tapped the green button and puts it near her ear, 


His deep toned voice reverberated on the room quite loudly, how can she forgot that it's on speaker? A blush crept up on her face as she slowly pulled the phone away from her ear and ended the call real quick. 

Their stares.. are burning her. She cleared her throat as she stood up quickly, sweats formed on her hand as she excused herself from the room. How embarrassing, she kept herself in minimal exposure and now just because of that call.

His eyes wandered on her figure that's going farther away. He stood up from his seat, putting his hands on his pockets as he walks out of the room. He's feeling strange, a feeling that kept making him confused in everything.

Haru didn't stray too far from the room because the class will already start. She tapped heavily on her phone as she sent a message to that person.


Ttyl. just bother me later. 

She puts it back on her pocket and turned around.

"Jay?" She questioned, raising a brow at him. He stared at her for a long time, not knowing why he followed her. They just stood up just staring at each other, no words came out from their mouth as if it's becoming awkward.

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