: Thirty-six

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┊ ⇄ ◁ ◁ II ▷ ▷ ↻ ┊

The sun couldn't be seen anymore as the moon rose up above. There were no clouds though the stars continued winking at the people below who were having fun.

Haru's sleeves were held by Mia as her face gets warmer due to the embarrassment she just felt.

On the other hand, Owen simply gazed at them with no expression can be seen on his face; both of them had not expected that they were able to hear Minu's confession to Mia.

It was awkward.

"Please, keep it quiet for a while.", Mia pleaded to Haru, gripping on the sleeves tightly.

Owen was interrupted, hence making him a little bit annoyed at the situation. He kept his emotions to himself and tried to smile at them.

These people are really troublesome.

Even if he would like to clarify and fix the misunderstanding, it seems like the time was not on his side.

Minu patted his side and whispered the same thing Mia said to Haru. Owen 'surprisingly' agreed without any hesitation, and all he could think about was to talk to Haru once again.

"It's already late, let's go.", Mia dragged Haru with her, still an awkward expression plastered on her face.

Owen's eyes widened and quickly grabbed Haru's arm to prevent her from taking any steps further. He had been waiting for this moment to explain what had happened while he was away from her.

"Stay with me."

Those simple words made her heart trembled. She understood what he wanted; it was her first time seeing his facial expression like that. If she refused, it will only hurt him.

She pulled from Mia's grasp and sent an apologetic look at the new couple. Without any words, Minu held Mia's arm as he sensed what's happening between the two.

Minu whispered words on Mia's ears, who nodded at the realization.

Without any other thoughts, the pair turned around and headed back towards the others, leaving the two alone.

Owen heaved a sigh, relieved that she didn't go back with them. They were left alone near the shore, yet no words were able to come out from his lips.

The silence was uncomfortable. He's having a trouble coming up with the right words to say. He's hesitating to talk, knowing that he made her definitely upset with him.

"If you're already tired, just say it alr —"

Haru broke the silence as she couldn't bear it any longer. How long does he need to say what he wanted? If he's just going to stay like this, it will only add fuel on the mess he just did.

It's as if he's hiding something.

"It's not like that.", His words were firmed.

Her eyes narrowed, which made his body flinch at the sudden sharp turn of her eyes. The realization came into his mind that if he continued dawdling, he might die.

It's not like he's hiding anything from her. It's just that he couldn't say it since he was embarrassed every time he thought about it.

His brows knitted and his face began to warm up.

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