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It was already winter.

The snow began to fall from the sky. It created a pile within the roads, roofs, and among the trees.

Songs and hymns from the neighborhood can be heard at the outside. Christmas is nearly approaching, and people were preparing to celebrate.

As soon as he breathed out, a small white vapor formed. His nose was flushed in color, along with his ears.

His scarf buried his cold, thin lips underneath. It hid his pale-looking lips, which were caused by the chilly winter that a lot of people were experiencing.

The grey scarf draped on his neck as it seeped the warmth from it. His thin, long fingers fixed the scarf that almost reaches his nose.

It was cold and warm at the same time.

He strode through the streets with his long coat covering his entire body. As usual, his features stood out from the rest.

Eyes were immediately lured to him wherever he goes.

Unbeknownst to him, different opinions were directed at him. Nevertheless, they couldn't get his attention, neither a glance from him.

The sun was already at the horizon.

Gradually, the stars became visible and started winking from above. The sight of it was ethereal. It was something they couldn't reach by their hands.

The wind made people shiver on how cold it was, yet it didn't stop them from having fun.

"Dad!", A kid ran to him with its arms wide open.

It was a young boy with a thick coat covering his small body. A big smile was plastered on his face as he's approaching his so-called dad.

Owen imitated his actions and caught him with his arms open. A tight hug was felt on his waist. It was warm.

He immediately the boy on his arms and both of them laughed together on how silly they were.

"What are you doing here?", He questioned.

The boy huffed his cheeks, making him look like a squirrel. He slowly pointed his fingers on Owen's back and waved his hands aggressively.

"Mom!", He yelled near the blonde's ears making him winced.

Owen turned around and saw Shelly laughing at both of them.

She walked towards them and grabbed the boy on his arms, "Don't run like that, Ha-ru."

Little kisses drizzled on his chubby cheeks, which made him cackled on how ticklish it was. Ha-ru definitely got his soft features from his mom.

"You're going?", Shelly asked Owen on the side.

"Yeah, I'll come a little late.", A smile formed on his thin lips as he answered.

The conversed for a few more minutes before parting away. Ha-ru whined about how he wanted to go with Owen, but his mom scolded him.

His journey goes on alone.

He continued walking until he came to a halt in front of a shop. The lights inside were warm and comfortable. The heat from within helped the flowers live in the current weather.

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