Part One, Chapter Three: The Incident

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Someone knocked thrice on my door, waking me from my now half-sleep. Oh my, my eyes must have fallen shut while I was laying down to rest my mind. I sure hoped it was not Clarissa knocking for I could not bear to hear one of her common standing ovations. And I also had no intention to spend my time with Imogen. I could not bear to see her now, not while she was all beautiful and impeccable and I was... well, me.

The silent steps of someone gliding through the room told me that it was not Clarissa for one could hear her thundering steps of her heavy work boots from floors away.

"I thought I told you to leave. I want to be on my own right now."

I raised my voice into my pillow as I shifted from my still resting body, trying to wake it up by tightening my barely existent muscles.

"Oh, is this a bad time? I can return later although I would not know whether two in the morning is such a suitable time for a chat."

The sudden sound of the Lord's voice had my body wide awake and I jumped up in a sitting position. This was the last thing I had expected and felt my face flush and my body temperature rise. The way he was standing there without a care in the world with his glistening golden hair and piercing jade eyes. Oh, and those manly stubbles upon his chin. A deadly sight to those who see it.

"No, not at all. I just- just thought you were someone... else..."

He flashed his white teeth at me, making the kettle boil over. How can such a perfect human being exist?

"May I?"

With a casual gesture of his hand, he asked me whether he could sit down on the foot of my bed. With a nod, I agreed, my insides doing somersaults. No one had ever asked me whether to sit down on the foot of my bed. And clearly, no one that attractive.

"I wanted to come and apologise."

His head moved to his lap where he observed his stirring fingers before looking me back in the eye. I felt the sudden urge to just take those fidgety hands in mine to feel their warmth and place hundreds of kisses onto his face and lips. He had ignited a flame that I had succeeded in keeping small. I had not even realised that it was burning.

"There is no need. It was my fault anyways..."

Now, it was I who was looking down. I had crossed my legs in front of me and I looked down into the circle created by them. I felt my skin roll up at my belly and began tucking at the fabric of my dress to hide it.

"Yes, I know..."

Johann replied silently, taking his time to finish the sentence. His voice was strained and so attractively quiet and hoarse. I must have looked him back in the eye in such a frightened way that it forced a smug grin onto his lips. The lids of his eyes tired and he blinked in half the speed it normally takes. He just lifted his feet off the floor and scooted closer to me.

"...for being so unbelievably beautiful."

He breathed and I felt the hot air from his lungs on my face as he used the second that I looked away to hide my tomato red face and the triumphant smile to move up to me as close as he could. His face was so close that our noses touched and we breathed into each other's mouths. I wanted to move away but his hands were resting on my heavy thighs.

Eventually, he was able to pin me down and kiss my neck with such passion that I could hear the mix of him sucking at my skin and saliva building up in his mouth. His hands moved up to my wrists and he held them up way above my head, pinning them to the mattress. With a smooth flow of movement, his lips began to move downwards until they reached my grey servant's dress. But it was no obstacle to him and he ripped it open like a piece of paper, revealing my bare skin underneath.

Suddenly, I felt very naked, both literally and metaphorically speaking. I felt the goose bumps and shivers spread all over my body and I tried to free my arms to cover up my private parts and insecurities.

But I was a woman and he was a man so naturally, he was stronger than me and I couldn't escape. For a quick second, his lips moved away from my sternum and chest area to passionately seduce my lips just as I was going to ask him to stop.

"Please... Stop! I need you to stop!"

I tried to shout between his kisses but he was like deaf to my demands and I could also barely give out a proper tone due to his mouth blocking the words' path to freedom. He just continued to suck and pull at my lips, grinding his covered crotch against my now bare one and I could feel his teeth scratch against my lips, now dripping wet from his saliva.

I wanted to cry and scream and god knows what but I exhausted myself by fighting him. No matter how attractive and perfect he was, I was near tears because of what he was doing to me. Not until the moment he bit me did the energy return to my limbs and I buried a knee in his freshly unpacked cock.

With a wincing sound and flash of red in his eyes, he rolled over onto the floor and I took my sheets to cover my naked and fear-shaken body.

"I thought, you liked that?!"

He pressed between his teeth, slowly standing up with all the kindness and passion erased from his face and replaced with the determination of a predator.

"You bit me...!"

I squeaked and clutched my hands over the sheets, pulling them tighter. I felt my natural instinct drive my body further away from him and always in direction of the door. But his natural instinct moved in harmony to mine and he closed in on me with each step, my gaze wandered to parts of him, I had rather not seen. Parts that I was actually seeing for the first time in my life.

"...And I asked you to stop!"

My voice strengthened but that didn't stop him to try and strike again, lunging forward in an attempt to get a hold of my arm. He needed to please his drive for sex, I figured. But this time, I was able to run and I opened the door, going where my feet were taking me.

I only dared to look back once and I knew that I would regret it since I saw him run after me like a predator hunting his prey, after all. I would have to leave here immediately but I didn't know where I was. And I was sure that this incident would never let go of me ever again...

But I doubt that it would matter now. Not once I tripped over the sheets sliding down a little, tumbling around a corner and falling the very wrong way. Smashing through the chiselled glass of the beautifully ornate windows and falling into the abyss. But perhaps it was better that way. I don't think that I would have ever been able to live with myself after today.

The last thing I saw before my soul left this earthly plane was his face stripped of all aggression and struck with fear. As if the last twenty minutes never happened. But the only thing kissing my body now was the cold and wet pavement as the two impacted with each other and I only felt the painful thud all over before everything went black... 

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