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I know what I said. And I know that these last few passages make you think "Ha! I told you so!" but bear with me...

If there is one to blame for the death of that innocent woman that plagues me to this very day and everything that had happened it is only me and although in these moments, I was convinced that it all was the Black Fairy's fault.

She had supposed to be my Fairy Godmother on my trip to getting to know what it meant to be a Vampire.

But if I had only known a glimpse of what the Fairy had been going through at that time, I would have thought that she never would have even needed to come to my aid.

It had been troubles threatening the existence of the entire Downworld and all its inhabitants.

A conflict that I would soon find myself involved in right at its front and right alongside the man that was responsible for killing the shy and innocent human that I had been at that time and the father of the relentless and confident Vampire that I was today. That man was Johann Van Fall, of course...

But first, let me take you to what was going on in the Downworld at that time and the preamble to the many deaths that were to follow. I will only take away as much: It was not only ugly and sad what had happened during the purge. It destroyed and ended the lives of too many innocents as it was... 

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