Part Two, Chapter Twelve: The Purge

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Lisa and I were just sitting there. Shocked at Ambra's sudden outburst but I could say for myself that I felt highly guilty for everything that had happened to the girl. I did not take care of her properly. Not as much as I took care for the other Vampires and Werewolves and Magicks that I had guided before.

And everything that she had said was true. Everything about it. Even in our magical society we cannot tackle issues like these.

"We have let that girl down..."

Lisa said into the open air as if I did not already know that.

"I know. I have never felt as guilt-ridden as I do now..."

I looked at my friend sitting beside me, trying to read her perfectly blue eyes. She was not from here. Her mother had been Scandinavian and father and Englishman. But all her beauty came from her Nordic features.

"The Downworld Leaders are waiting at our meeting place again."

I gave out a sign of annoyance. Alucard really knew how to stretch politics to unnecessary lengths. All while our people were dying.

"Isn't it dangerous to meet at Stonehenge again?"

She shook her head, standing up and stretching out her hand for me to take it. I had to bring us there after all.

"We have our best spellcasters working on the barriers. Several Magicks, your sister and my husband being part of this team."

If that was the case, I doubt that there was anything to be afraid of. I trusted Dracula's exquisite magical skills but I trusted my sister's even more. There was nothing that she could not do.

"Then we have little to worry about."

I took her by the hand and felt the energy pulse between us, seeing the purple glow of my magic illuminating her face as I transported us to the Downworld Court. Hopefully the last meeting we will ever have to hold...


The weather has not been any good lately. Clouds riddled the skies and concealed the warm spring sun from us. A typical British Eastertide. I hope that the developments of our situation bring brighter prospects than the forecast.

We appeared outside the magically drawn circle, only proving its effectiveness. We had to touch the outside of the ward for it to let us through. If one is not recognized by it, Lisa told me, an ear-piercing tone would warn us about intruders.

We marched up the luscious green hill that was fed by the seemingly endless rain and magic, strong with all our presence. We tried to hurry as much as the halfway steep incline allowed it so naturally, once we had joined the Downworld Leaders, the two of us were panting.

What surprised me even more was the presence of Ambra, chatting with Alucard, him treating her like a long-time friend. But that was Alucard we were talking about. It becomes suspicious when he doesn't act like that.

"Ambra! It's good to see you here..."

I cut her off from her conversation but she greeted me with a surprising smile.

"It's good to be here in this... fascinating place."

She replied and I became more and more puzzled by her indifferent demeanour. As if she never confronted us with the truth long overdue.

"...I am truly sorry about earlier today, I know that I-"

"Don't worry about that. None of us are innocent; we all bear a bit of fault to blame so let us pour water under the bridge, please. I cannot stand being at bad terms with anyone for far too long."

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