Part One, Chapter Four: A hidden society

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"My child, you're finally awake!"

The voice was a song. I was unable to describe it in any other way possible that could capture its beauty and airy melody there was to it. I imagined angels to sound that way. I tried to reply but out came only pathetic blubbering. I could not even see. I wanted to know what happened after I had... Was this really heaven and I had an angel talking to me?

"Shh, it's alright. There is no need to waste unnecessary breaths. I can hear your thoughts."

The angel continued. The only thing that remained a mystery to me was why I was in heaven and not the place below. I had led a life far from being without sin. The angel chuckled coyly.

"This is not heaven and neither are you dead nor I an angel. Your eyesight shall return shortly and I will explain to you. I see you have a lot of questions."

And that to understate it. I had all the questions one could possibly have in this world; it gave me a headache. But before my head could burst, I slowly felt the blackness before my eyes turn to dark spots until I could see things in blur.

Judging from the way the woman looked, I was still convinced she was an angel. Her skin was white, her hair was white and her beautiful dress was white. The only thing with colour were her eyes. These were glowing pink.

"My name is the Black Fairy, Ambra. Black for short. I can understand that you are confused about why you are still here or in Lord Johann's room or why it is me sitting by your side and not your friend or colleagues..."

She began but had lost me at "fairy" already. I mean her appearance spoke volumes but it's just the same sickness like Imogen. Nothing wrong in that. To pretend to be a fairy or to pick that name is a bit too much. One does not joke with diseases; I was sensible to that. And before she had addressed it, I had not even realized I was in Johann's room. His bed.

"...None of what I say is a lie, just so you are prepared. You did not die because you have been infected. With vampirism. By Johann. He is not here because he cannot forgive himself for doing to you what he did. He is a good person deep within yet the animal sometimes gets control over his actions. And lastly it is I who mends to you because there is simply no one better and more up to the task. It has been my honour to guide new Downworlders into their new homes and families and communities ever since. I even helped Johann deal with it when he got infected."

"Stop fooling with me!"

I tried to shout but it only came out in an exhausted whisper. This woman infuriated me for her words. What did Johann trying to do? Did he now try to mock me because I had not succeeded in what he would have liked? I'll tell the entire staff what had happened. He will lose his status and live on-

"Please don't..."

How did she...?

"...Because I am telling you the truth! You have to believe in things that are not given by society sometimes. One has to think outside the box, occasionally."

But there are no such things as Vampires or Fairies but... I couldn't otherwise explain to myself how she knew what I was thinking. Perhaps she was a psychiatrist. But that still wouldn't explain too much. And especially because of her appearance. She was a freak in the eyes of the world just because of the albinism. Imogen, for example, had found one of the few people who would have taken her in. Johann gave her a life she wouldn't have otherwise had...

"I cannot wrap my head around this..."

I sighed while diving back into the layers of soft pillows, sinking into the white cloudlike fabric. All of this information was like a stone wall I tried to break down with my head. It caused me to suffer more than it helped me.

"I understand, child. That is why I am here: To ease you into everything, answer every question you have."

If I only knew what specific question to ask. My head was rattling but too much to focus on specific questions. I just turned and buried my face in the pillows; a coping mechanism I figured by now that I had developed.

"Please, just go."

I said but when I looked after a second of silence, she had already left. I flipped myself onto my back again and stared against what I thought was the ceiling but turned out to be the four-poster's canopy.

This bed was a heaven. There was no wonder that rich people always looked so beautiful. If I would sleep in such a bed every day, I would probably look entirely different myself. No bags under my eyes. Soft skin and smooth hair. Privileged lives should be available to everyone...

Lying in bed became boring after a while though and I threw the sheets of my body in a large arch, immediately feeling the heat escape from the little pocket I had created.

I was not wearing my maid's dress anymore but instead a large white linen shirt that wasn't mine. Probably one of Johann's undershirts. And also, my own underwear of course.

I heaved myself upwards and the bed creaked as I sat down on its edge. I looked around the room. It was big and warm and bright. Very much in contrast to all the servant's rooms.

I stood up, deciding to investigate a little. There were so many cupboards that held mysteries and secrets.

I walked around the brown-walled room, immediately feeling the red carpet underneath my feet. It was soft and warm. For the first time in my life, my feet were warm too.

Everything was so Mediterranean. The brown wood was carved into shapes, swirls and icons. There were also so many paintings and generally art in this room and I wondered whether he had done them himself.

I went for a cupboard that drew my attention after doing some circles around the room. I loved these windows; they were large and illuminating and one had a beautiful view onto the estate's garden from here. From my room, I only saw the front and the pebble drive-way and the fountain in its middle.

I walked towards the cupboard and opened it with a creak. Huh... It was empty...

I walked up to the other few cupboards and opened them one after the other. All were empty...

What was going on here? Did the Lord even live here? Even the dresser and separate closet were empty as if he had packed up everything and left for good.

But perhaps he was only gone for a while. Left for travels? A vacation? Something important business-wise? I am sure that there was an explanation to this.

I crawled back into the bed and buried myself in the layers of pillows and wrapped the satin duvet around me, its soft and silky texture tickling my skin.

This bed was heaven and I did not want to leave. It was so nice and warm in a way that I had never felt in my life before. Only when father was still alive but this had been another kind of warm.

Without even realizing it, I had fallen asleep again in no time... 

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