Part One, Chapter One: The Two Friends

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"Ambra! Why aren't the digestives already brought upstairs? I thought I told you ten minutes ago! The gentlemen are all here already and you have to burst into their gathering. What else to be expected from a silly farm girl... I don't even know why the Lord hired you!"

Clarissa. The way we know her: mean and relentless, organized and strict. But she knows how to keep the household and staff going so no one dares to say anything against her ways.

"Yes, ma'am. I am sorry ma'am. I'll be right up."

I have been working here at the Van Fall residence for almost one and a half years now. I myself don't know why the lord hired me; I had just sold him a bunch of flowers back when I was still living outside the city with my sick father. He had a farm that was running poorly and his sickness made working harder for him. I just put my talents at use and sold the flowers I was growing to earn the extra coin that would get us through the harsh winters.

Lord Van Fall had bought one of my white roses and mind you, I had not known who he was back then. He just bought the flower and offered me a place in his home should I ever feel the need. When I returned home that day, I found my father pale and dead, toppled over the cabbages while he had tried to harvest the yield. I had cried and hungered for a fortnight.

Eventually, I decided to sell the farm since only I selling flowers would never get me through winter alive and went off to find the Lord again and accept his proposition. Ever since, I was working here as cooking help and housemaid under the crooked nose of Clarissa – the housekeeper – and cook Matthews' fat hooter.

Both of them were sour people but experienced in their craft so I out of all people were not to doubt their better judgement and the way they treated me. I was used to worse.

"Here, let me help you with that, Ambra. You go back and finish up that goose; it'll take a while to cook."

Imogen. My sweet Imogen. She was a true friend ever since I have been here. The two of us could not be any different. I was shy and collected, she was outgoing and loud. The only housemaid that received praise from the old crone Clarissa.

Imogen had caught me crying myself to sleep on my first night here and instead of going, she stopped, ignited a candle and sat down to ask me what was wrong. Her sympathy and kind words that came every day, following the one made me come at peace with my father's passing and be able to look forward; being a better cook and housemaid for the lord.


I whispered to her as she took the platter of devilled eggs, cheese and charcuterie from my hands. I made sure that it was secure in her grip before I spun around on my heel, rushing back to the kitchen where the half-stuffed goose was waiting to be prepared.

"The digestives, child?!"

Clarissa demanded but I only held out my hand while being slightly out of breath from my little run back.

"Imogen took them."

I breathed, barely audible for her or for anyone standing half an inch next to me.

"You can be glad that the girl is here to save your skin! Now, go back to stuffing that goose; it'll take its time to cook and you still haven't chopped up the vegetables for the potpourri around it."

Clarissa clapped her hands twice, making me rush off to my crowded working space on the otherwise large counter. Chef Matthews takes a lot of space even when cooking only one meal. Imagine him having to prepare three courses along with digestives and aperitifs. It was a living hell for me!

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