Part Two, Chapter Thirteen: The Shard of a Society

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We ran. And ran. And ran and ran. All until our – well at least my – feet began to sore and chafe against the insides of my shoes, blistering.

Lisa was dead. The Black Fairy was dead. Probably everyone that was not here with us was dead. I and Johann and some few – ten to twenty – Vampires running as far away from the scene of crime as we possibly could.

It took us all day until we were at least a tiny bit assured that we had lost the Van Helsings and they were no longer tracking our tail. A small slit in a mountain gave us shelter from the night and the storm that was soon raging in front of our lodging.

"What now, Lord Johann?"

Asked a particularly frantic woman, clutching the arm of a teenage-looking boy. Most likely her son.

"First, we rest. The day took its toll and I cannot afford to lose any more of you..."

The other people had gathered around us as well, eager to hear our course of action from now on as well.

"...I will take some who are still able to hunt some wildlife for sustenance. I will have to ask another group to go to the stream we passed and collect water and herbs to boil for those who are feeling unwell. Perhaps collect a little firewood too. The rest: please try and make this cave at least a little comfortable for all of us."

He finished his sentence and nodded into the crowd, making three men and a different woman follow him back outside where they were drenched immediately. I sped after them.


I shouted after him. He had managed to become an entirely different person while talking to them He was the Lord that I had known again: determined and dedicated to the well-being of his people.

He stopped and turned, asking the others to go on without him, assuring them to be able to catch up. He waited for me to catch up with him, now standing merely inches before me.

"We cannot stay here forever..."

I whispered, as much as the rain beating down on the world and the cracks of thunder allowed it.

"...We have to find someplace to go or else we will not be able to survive here for another week. Sickness may be less fatal with us but it is still equally unpleasant and will eventually kill us..."

He chewed on his thoughts, not removing his gaze from my own eyes even for a second as he did so. After a short sigh and a sniff, he began talking.

"You're right. But it's the best that I can do for now. One cannot know where it will be safe and where we'll be discovered again."

I thought for a second.

"The City of Glass?"

I more asked than suggested but Johann immediately shook his head.

"Whoever spilled the location of our even more secret meeting place might have spilled the City's location as well. It would be folly to attempt and go there. Especially by foot."

I stopped to think once more.

"What about London? Return to the residence to accommodate what is left of us. Nobody seems to know that we lived there since we left there even before they had discovered you the first time."

He joined my thinking and nodded a few times, his eyes going blank. I could imagine how he went through other possible places he knew or through scenarios of how we could fail our people.


I began, placing a hand on his cheek. To both his and my surprise. I was still unsure how to behave around him. I had liked but in the meantime also despised what he had done to me. Clarissa's words still echoed in my head "That's what happened with the other girls" Oh my god, Clarissa...

I should not have remembered her. What I had done...

I swallowed heavily and decided to shift my thoughts by returning to reality.

"'s alright. I'll go and find ourselves a place to stay while you try and keep them all alive."

He nodded once more before his own hand moved to my cheek.

"Can I kiss you?"

He breathed and I felt my own one shallow a little.


I returned and his face moved closer to mine, the beautiful jade eyes closing and his breathing hitting my lips as both ours pursed and embraced each other in our first genuine and mutual kiss.

We remained connected for a while, exploring the other's lips with one's own as the rain ran down our spine and slicked up our kiss. I had my eyes closed too in a moment of pure bliss. That was how I wanted it to be. Loveable and gentle not fierce and beastlike.

He broke away and we just connected with intent looks, him licking the spots where I had touched him and my own forefinger moving on those that he had meandered over with his mouths.

With a smile, I left him standing there on purpose. There was no way that I would be able to stop myself from wanting more should I have remained looking at him any second longer. And I hope the same was the case with him.

With a sigh and an even brighter smile, I returned to the cave and collected a group to gather water, herbs and firewood – which will be soaked up from the rain now, so no light tonight – before I would head off to London first thing in the morning... 

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