Part Five, Chapter Twenty-Four: The Visit

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"Lady Ambra, Lord Johann..."

Duke Varney disturbed our breakfast with a slip of paper in his hand. In our long years of marriage, Johann and I have never even once received a letter. Not from the Lords of London or anyone else. We were to ourselves. Both our families had died young before we met and found our match made in heaved in the other.

I loved my husband and he did so in return. We never stopped showing it to each other even for a single day.

"What is it Varney?"

He asked despite it being clear that we have been sent a letter.

"This letter here, sir, ma'am."

He crossed the room and placed the envelope addressed to us with golden letters right in front of us on the table. Johann picked it up and broke the golden seal that I have never seen before in my life.

The letter he unfolded from within was once again written in golden ink and was actually quite long. I leaned in on my husband so the two of us were able to read at the same time.

"Please leave us, Varney."

I asked the Duke and he closed the door behind him with a nod. A quite peculiar letter this was...

Dearest Johann, Dearest Ambra.
I apologise for reaching out to you after such a long time passing. After Dracula took care of me, I was picked up and trapped in his castle.
We ended up in Wallachia before I awoke and made the past three years' purpose to hunt down Dracula with the help of a few new-made friends. I have learned of the magic that the Vampire has bestowed upon all of the continent by an old friend of ours, the Black Fairy.
She advised me to write this letter and powder it with the magic she gifted me that would take you back. So by the time you have reached this spot, you will remember everything.
I apologise for not being able to be here in person but I still have loose ends to tie here in Wallachia. But she has assured me that the two of you will be visited by helpers from the Faraway Lands by the time you read this letter.
So do all of us a favour and take care of the mission we failed to take care of three years ago. Our and the Downworld's existence depend on it!
May the deities guide and watch over you.

I remain
Sir Alucard Tepeš - The Golden Vampire

I looked at the paper. Then at Johann. He remembered too. The Black Fairy's magic had worked. Dracula had won three years ago...

A pink blast on the horizon woke us from our trance. I assumed the helpers that Alucard had been referring to. Let us hope that they will be able to do so against the reign of the Almighty Vampire... 

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