chapter 12

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I was being dragged down the streets of who knows which city, after the 5th show I've lost track. The girls, Ariana and I have been walking around since earlier this morning, which for me is very long. They have been going around and shopping while I practically hold their bags for them, how sweet of me. I mean they would say some things would look good on me and that I should try it on, but I would always decline.

"We're here!" Camila's voice rings through my ears. I look around at where we are, the pier?

"What's so special about the pier?" I ask, looking at the six girls. They look at me like I'm crazy, and I just shrug at them.

"C'mon Y/N, you don't know where we even are huh." Lauren says, while she crosses her arm over her chest. I shake my head. "Well this is Navy Pier! In Chicago." She says with a small smile.

"Right, I knew that." I mumble, a bit embarassed that I didn't know where we were. I feel someone's warm hand slip into mine as they squeeze my hand softly. I look over to my side seeing Normani standing next to me with the brightest smile.

"Ohh! Look a ferris wheel!!" I hear Camila squeal as I once again feel myself getting dragged along, now by Normani, to the ferris wheel. As we stand in line, Normani's hand never leaves mine, which is nice, but kind of odd at the same time. Isn't she dating Dinah's cousin? Isn't this weird for her considering our past? Why are we getting onto the carriage together? Oh look we're at the top already.

"Nice view, right Y/N?" She says, her hand lets go of mine. I suddenly miss the feeling of her warm hand against mine. I just hum in response, as I take a look of the whole city. It truly is beautiful, I wish I could keep this view forever, but everything comes to an end.

"Y/N, we're.. We're cool, right?" I hear the girl ask, I turn to look at her questioningly. Didn't I say already that we were friends?

"Yeah, of course we are." I say as I turn back to over look the city once more, before we start desending back to the ground.

"I know that we're cool, but I..I can't help that I feel there's something still bothering you." She sighs at the end of her sentence. I mean, she's not wrong.. Of course there's always going to be our past that haunts me, that messes with my head and feelings.

"There's nothing bothering me." I lie straight out of my teeth. I then feel her sit right next to me, wrapping an arm around me. I'm not sure if she's trying to comfort me, but I just want to get as far away from all of the girls as possible.

"Y/N... I'm sorry.." She whispers, I feel the tears threatening my eyes. "P-please, Y/N.." We finally reach the ground, I see the girls waiting for the both of us, but I feel like I'm suffocating right now. When the door finally opens, I push Normani away from me and I push past the girls running down the pier like my life depended on it.

"Y/N!!!" I hear them call out, but I ignore them. I ignore it all.


"Y/N, Mija look at me." Isabelle says, tear stains trail down my cheeks as I finally look up at the older woman. Her eyes caring as she wipes my face clean. She disinfects the cuts on my face and my busted open lip. "Look at you, you have a very bad black eye. But at least you don't look.. that bad." I chuckle, wincing at the pain.

"Thanks Isabelle.. For taking care of me." I say, sighing as I stand up pushing past Isabelle to get back into my room.

"Y/N, what happened to you?" I hear her ask, I can tell that she's very concerened for me.

"I-I have no idea.. I don't rememeber..." I mumble as I look out at my window, I have a beautiful view of the landscape, the mountains, trees, flowers, the sunset. 

"You don't remember? Mija, You have to take better care of yourself. You could've gotten killed!" She says in a motherly stern tone. I admire this woman, I have no idea how she puts up with a young girl like me. I don't know, but I love thid woman.

"I know Isabelle.. I promise next time, I will try to be more careful." I say sincerely, as I look at her with defeated eyes. She smiles a sweet yet sad smile. I know she cares very dearly about me, and I can't help but feel guilty everytime I do something like this because it affects her the most. I sigh, seeing my polaroid camera on my dresser, I walk over and pick it up. 

"We should take a picture," I say randomly, as I turn to the older woman. She looks at me funny.

"Y/N you're busted up, and you want to take a picture right now?" I just nod and shrug in response. She chuckles softly, walking up behind me as she puts her hands on my shoulders. I crack a small joke which causes her to laugh and I to laugh as well. I snap the picture.


I hold the polaroid picture in my hand, I study the both of us. How her smile is full of brightness despite the events the took place before the picture was taken, how I looked beaten up badly but stll managed a smile in the picture.

I can't help, but grin. I miss Isabelle, like I have said before, she was the mother figure in my life before. She always knew what to say and what to do. It warms my heart just to think about her, I wish she was here now.. I would really love one of her baked cookies. With a deep breath I get off off of the couch in the back room of my tour bus. I hear the door open to my tour bus as I reach the front.

"Y/N?" A soft voice asks. I look up at the familiar face, she looks older than I remember. It has been 2 years.

"Isabelle.." I say in shock, running up to the shorter older woman engulfing her in my arms. She always knows when I'm down, I swear. Maybe, she's a super hero. 


WHATTATAT IT's BEEN FOREVER GUYS!!!! Hopefully I didn't make you guys wait too long, did I? I hope not. Well here you go, finally another update!! I still have to update my other strories, Death Marked Dead To You. SOOOO much work. BUt, THE CONCERT FOR FIFTH HARMONY WAS SO FUN!!! I STILL HAVE PCD EVEN THOUGH IT WAS LIKE 2 WEEKS AGO, THEY"RE SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL. Sorry for my language, ANYWHO. I shall leave you guys now, since it's late! Goodnight or good morning where ever you are, and I love you all :)))

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