chapter 5

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I sit in the edge of the stage, looking around at the empty arena. This is insane, this arena is fucking huge. I smile internally to myself as I stand back up, the music starts up again and I begin to do sound check once more before heading down from the stage.

"Watch out!" I hear someone yell out. I quickly jump to the side as I see Ariana and Lauren speeding down the middle aisle on segways. I laugh softly watching them race. I mean it wouldn't hurt to be friends with them, right? I think to myself and shrug. I guess it wouldn't hurt. I look around to coinicedently find a segway parked a few feet away from me. I look around with a grin, dashing towards it, getting on and speeding off on it. I let out a loud laugh as I speed past both Ariana and Lauren.

"SUCKERS!" I yell back as I hear there dramatic gasps.

"Not for long Y/N!" Lauren yells back at me, as I keep going as fast as I can. Moments after, we some how end up outside of the arena. I look to my side to see Lauren right there with a smirk. I roll my eyes playfully, looking back forward. I slowly come to a stop and park beside a tree, getting off. I watch Lauren and Ariana continue with there antics, but I let my eyes wander on Lauren for a bit more. Scanning her up and down. wait... Did I just check out, no. I shake my head slightly, taking a seat under the tree.

"Hey, Y/N", I turn around to see Normani standing there kind of awkwardly, I decide to just forget about our past for as long as I can and shoot her a smile.

"Hi there Normani," I say patting the empty spot next to me. She smiles in relief, taking a seat next to me. She looks up at the tree, and I take a good look at her side profile. I guess she caught me staring at her and let out a soft cough. I quickly meet her gaze again. She lets out a quiet giggle that causes me to smile once more.

"So I was thinking... Maybe we can just start over, you know.. As friends?" She asks in a very shy tone, her voice fading at the end. I can't help but chuckle at her shyness, I also nod.

"That would be great, by the way I'm Y/N L/N." She smiles.

"Hello Y/N, I'm Normani Kordei."

"Nice to meet you Normani," I say holding my hand out for a hand shake. She takes my hand and shakes slightly with a smile.

"Nice to meet you as well," We soon both burst out laughing at ourselves and begin to just talk about anything and everything. But she soon has to leave because she had to get ready for their meet and greet. I stay out there for a bit longer. Maybe this is a new start, I can be friends with them for sure.


I was currently on stage now, one more song to sing and this glorious night will come to an end. I put the microphone up to my lips and begin to speak,

"So you guys, this will be the last song of the night and I'm actually going to sing this song with one of my close friends... Niykee Heaton!" The whole room goes crazy as she walks out onto stage. A grin forms upon my lips as I watch her wave to the crowd and stand beside me. 

"And we're going to be singing, 'Bad Intentions'" She says with a smirk as her eyes meet mine. I feel my cheeks heat up and i quickly turn my attention back to the crowd that was 'ooooh'ing. I roll my eyes, swating my hands at them playfully.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's just get to the song." Niykee laughs beside me before the music starts to fill up the arena.

This is the face I wear treading the riptide
Abysmal oceans where good girls go to die
I wanna love somebody
Wanna feel their love on me
But after everything I still believe in true love
Not being able to find it
Damn it tears me up
And I know it's my fault
I know it's my fault
Let's take a trip, ten thousand miles above the clouds
We can stay up here until we figure it out
I don't wanna go home
Don't wanna be alone. I sing the first verse, then I glance over to Niykee taking her whole appearence in. I bite my lip as she brings the microphone up to her mouth ande begins to sing the next part.

Let's take a trip, ten thousand miles above the clouds
We can stay up here until we figure it out
I don't wanna go home
Don't wanna be alone. She sings into the microphone oh so softly yet powerful. I love her voice, she can sing me to sleep anytime.

I've got some damn bad intentions
I've got some damn bad intentions
I got some secrets I forgot to mention
Haven't learned my lesson
I've got some damn bad intentions
I see the world in 25 dimensions
I've seen evil reign over perfection
Blood heat over tension
And I know... 
We sing together. I wrap an arm around her, pulling the girl closer to me our foreheads almost touching as our eyes meet. I smirk at her before winking, she giggles into the microphone and winks back. The crowd screams happily seeing our little interaction. She begins to sing her next parts.

You say you love the way the storms blow
But when it comes you close your window
You hate the fighting in the world
So you bring the battle home and fight until it's yours
Right until I'm gone
And there's holes on the walls
Written in the sand
Deception on my lips and there's blood on your hands
And I'm tired of keepin' lies
You can see it in my eyes
I don't wanna die. 
Her voice fills up the arena.

I've just got some damn bad intentions
I've got some damn bad intentions
I got some secrets I forgot to mention
Haven't learned my lesson
I've got some damn bad intentions
I've got some damn bad intentions
I got some secrets I forgot to mention
Haven't learned my lesson. 
We both sing together again and continue the song.

Niykee:I know we've made a graveyard of this all

I know I don't feel too sober now
I wanna lie awake with your black soul
Count your fears if you let me.

Baby I just want your damn bad intentions

I've got some damn bad intentions

I got some secrets I forgot to mention

Haven't learned my lesson. I sing the last part of the song. And that's a wrap. I then pull her into a tight a hug. She wraps her arms around my neck as I wrap my arms around her waist, we stay like that for a little bit before pulling away, but keeping our arms around each other as we walk off the stage.


There will definitely be slight jealousy in the next chapter *wink wink*. But now you think it's a good idea for you and the girls to be friends again, what is wrong with yOU?! I'm just kidding :). I hope you guys enjoyed it! As usual, i'm sorry for any mistakes. I'm really bad at english even though I'm fluent in it.

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