chapter 21

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Later that evening Normani left to go back to the hotel, so the girls wouldn't freak out. It's been a few days since that night, but we never really saw each other after. The girls have been doing non-stop shows and recording, we've talked every once and awhile, but they've been real busy. I actually found out they were a famous girl group called 'Fifth Harmony', not too long ago. The name suits them well.

Well currently, right now, I guess a friend of mine is coming over to visit sometime today. Her name is Megan, I think. But she also mentioned she is my manager, I wonder what for. I still never got the answer what that concert was about anyways, I bet I can ask her. At the moment, I'm sitting outside in the very large backyard of my house, basically sitting on the edge where the backyard stops. It over looks the whole city of Los Angeles, and it's about 5:30 in the morning, so the sun is just coming up. It's beautiful, the cold air nipping at my face. I let out a warm breath, causing a white cloud appear before me. The sky is a various amount of colors, pink and orange and light blue.

My phone rings.


I pick up my phone and swipe my finger across the screen to answer.

"Hello?" I say with a smile across my lips.

"Shouldn't you be asleep," I hear her laugh through the phone.

"How'd you know I was awake?"

"Easy, we'd always wake up early to watch the sunrise.." Her voice faded out, I could sense the a bit of sadness in her voice as well. A few moments of silence passed by.

"So why'd you call, Ari?"

"I was just wondering how you're doing, I wanted to see if you're okay and everything."

"Well, I'm doing good. I'm progressing, but nothing seems to be coming back to me." I sigh at the end of my sentence. "Well, how was the UK?"

"Good, it was fun!" I could hear her smile through the phone, "The concert was great, 80,000 people nothing I couldn't handle." I can't help but chuckle.

"How were the girls?" I ask, knowing they performed at the Summertime ball also.

"They did fantastic," Ariana praises.

"That's good, too bad I couldn't see you guys perform."

"It's okay, you have plenty more opportunities to see us perform."

"Are guys on your way back to LA?"

"Yup, as we speak."

"Good, because I miss you guys." I admit, "I've been pretty lonely."

"Aww, Y/N. We miss you too, I'll see you soon though."

"Alright, Ari." I say with a smile.

"I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Okay. Talk to you later."

"Bye, Y/N."

"Bye, Ariana."

After the phone call, I stayed in my backyard for who knows how long. I go back inside of my house when I hear the doorbell ring, I'm guessing it's Megan. When I ope the door, I was met with someone totally different. A pair of green eyes met mine.

"Oh, Hi Lauren." I say, tilting my head in confusion to see her standing at my front door.

"Hi, Y/N." I step to the side and motion for her to come inside. I thought they were just getting back from the UK. I step to the side as I watch her walk inside, I watch as she looks around my huge house.

"Um, Lauren?" I say, she turns around to face me.


"Aren't you supposed to be on a plane back here, right now?" I say as I close the front door, walking over to the couch as I plop down on it.

"Well yeah, but I took an earlier flight." She says, "Honestly, I was worried about you and I wanted to make sure you're okay." Lauren takes a seat a seat beside me.

"Well, I'm doing well. And I missed you too." I reply, glancing over at the green eyed girl beside me. She smiles at me before glancing over to the window which over looks my backyard.

"Wow, Y/N. You're house and view is just beautiful." She says in awe.

"We can go outside if you like," She instantly nods and stand up, rushing outside as I follow behind her with a smile.

"Wow, you're so lucky to live here. I wonder why you bought this house."

"Me too, I wonder also." I mutter quietly, as I look at the other girls side profile. The sun's rays shining on her face, making her green eyes glow brightly, her smile is calm and thrilling at the same time. Then something hit me like a bus all at once.

Hiking up to the Hollywood sign actually isn't that hard, but keeping up with Lauren is very difficult. I wipe the sweat off my forehead with my arm, water falling some water into my mouth. Jesus, I feel like we've been walking forever...

"You finally made it, babe."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, shut up." I mumble as I begin to catch my breath, looking up only to be met with the Hollywood sign. "Actually, we made it." I say, correcting the green eyed beauty. She nudges me gently, giggling at my words.

"Yeah, we did make it." I feel her snake an arm around my waist, pulling me into her side. I smile widely as I wrap my arm around her shoulder. I look at the view of the city as well.

"It's so beautiful here, it was worth the hike." I say, taking in the scenery.


"One day, I'm going to buy a house the whole city and where you can see the Hollywood sign. At night, the lights of the city will illuminate my backyard and if you wake up early enough, you can see the sun rise with the sky all different colors." I say, imagining my dream house.

"Right, Y/N. Maybe in the future, but you're stuck with us." Lauren says with a smile.

"In the future.." I whisper, looking at the Hollywood sign taking a deep breath.

"In the future.." I mutter, taking in the information I just got from the flashback. So I've wanted a place like this before huh. And that I was on a date with the "green eyed beauty" beside me. I take a deep breath, looking back at the view of the city of Los Angeles, I guess this is the future.


Here's the update! I hope people are still keeping up with this story, because I'm debating if I should still continue, but I'm doing it for you guys :). Well I hope you all enjoyed this part, and I'm sorry that I take awhile to update, I just have writers block sometimes and it takes a little long for me to come up with an idea. BUUUUUUUT I love you all babes, and yeah see you soon!!!!!

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