chapter 28

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Oh my gosh...

What just happened?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?

We're both looking at one another, I can tell Cara is just as shocked as I am. 

"I-I um.. I..." I stutter out, I'm still slightly flustered from the sweet kiss. Her shocked face turns into a small smile, giggling once she hears my stutter. A blush slowly crawls its way up my cheeks as I turn away quickly to avoid any eye contact.

Maybe I need this in my life. I need some warmth again. Maybe Cara can provide that.

I feel a soft pair of lips connect with my rosy cheek, as my face reddens more (if that's even possible).

"You know what... Forget what I said. That was crazy talk.." She mumbles, lifting her fingers up to turn my head to look at her.

"About me pretending?" I say, looking into her now glorious eyes. They're shining, they're shining because of me.

"Yes, that. I want you to just be yourself... That was selfish of me," She says with a soft laugh. I take her hand in mine, intertwining our fingers. "Just do you, let them be surprised... And, Y/N." She looks at me, I mean really just looks at me. Like she's admiring my presence.

"I know. I want us to happen also," Wait did I just say that? Oh god. Wait. She's smiling and giggling.



And we just sit there and stare at each other for what feels like forever, until a loud scream down stairs brings us out of our trance. Oh crap, the girls. I totally forgot they were even here! We both jump up from the couch and run down the stairs s fast as we can. Now another girl was here. Yours truly, Ariana.

"Y/N! When were you planning on telling us?!" Ariana yelled, I couldn't tell if it was out of excitement or shock. She motioned to her and the five other girls who just looked at me in complete puzzlement. Me and Cara looked at each other before turning back to them.

"What are you talking about?" Camila asks, taking a sip from the Starbucks cup.

"Oh I don't know," Ariana exaggerates and throws her arms up in the air. "Probably the fact that, Y/N here released a new song and remembers everything and is back in the music business!" The five girls stop what they're doing, Camila practically spits out her drink along with Lauren coughing from almost chocking on her food. Dinah and Normani loosing their grip on their phones and well Ally, Ally is just staring at Ariana with her mouth a gape.

"Guys, I literally just remembered this morning! I was planning on telling you guys when I finished explaining to Cara. I was just nervous and I didn't know what to do bu-" I was cut off when five bodies collided with mine, practically knocking over.

"God, I thought I lost you." Norman mumbled against my shoulder as they gave me a bone crushing hug. I mean I think I'm loosing oxygen right now... Someone call 911. After a long while they let go of me and were just all smiling. I smiled back before I felt an arm snake around my lower back, I turned to my side to see a slightly jealous Cara. But she's trying to play it cool, I can tell.

"Wait, wait, wait, WAIT." Ariana starts again, pointing at both me and Cara. Oh great, here she goes again. "You and her..." We both nod, "YOU AND HER!" We begin to nod again.

This is the part where I die.

But none of the five girls did anything about it, they just stare at me. I can't read their expressions, I can't help but feel worried for them. I mean, let's face the facts they have been trying to get me back. I mean I wasn't oblivious about it.

"I can't believe I'm going to say this but I ship it so hard." I hear Ariana say before cooing. Both Cara and I smile at each other before looking back at them.

"We're happy for you guys, right girls?" Lauren says, but her voice cracks at the end of her sentence. The girls nod slowly in agreement. Now I can see that sadness and defeat is evident in their eyes as well as their faces. I can feel my heart ache, but my stomach is erupting with butterflies when I feel Cara kiss my cheek.

"Well we better get going, we'll um.. We'll see you soon. Oh and thank you for breakfast, Y/N." Dinah mumbles as we watch them walk out of my house, Ariana saying her goodbyes and following behind them. This could probably be the last time I see the girls... I thought as I watched them walk out of my house and possibly my life forever.


"I'll race you, babe." Her mixed colored eyes meet mine, a smirk forming upon my lips at her challenge.

"Alright, let's do it." We both  get ready in our obnoxious starting positions. 




"GO!" She yells, and we both begin to take off down the beach. Avoiding the people in our way and at the end, she beats me.

"I let you win!" I say, panting as I try to catch my breath.

"Whatever, Y/N. I won fair and square, don't be a sore loser." She says, sticking her tongue out at me. I roll my eyes at her, and walk over to where she is. I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me as I connect our lips together. After a few moments we pull away, both smiling.

"You're lucky I love you, Cara."

"Yeah, I know." I smile at her words giving her one more quick kiss before we begin walking down the beach. I was happy, she made me happy.

For one year, Cara has made utterly completely happy and you could guess it... I haven't seen the girls for a year either. I know I'm repeating myself, but I'm happy. But I still wonder what the girls are doing every now and then, I wonder how they're feeling or how they are. I always wonder. But you should've guess this too....

My happiness doesn't last forever.


Guys, it's good to be back. I'm so excited for the concert this Sunday guys! AHGIJBXIJBVOAJBIUBCKOBIHBDN. DUUUUUUDES, I'M LIKE SO EXCITED. Again if you guys are going, let me know! 

Anyways, I hope you guys liked the new chapter. Hopefully it lived up to your expectations and yeah. I'll see you guys soon, love youuuuuuu.

- celeste

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