chapter 29

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a/n: what's this? another update? omfg, i'm a loser and i have no life :)

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"I don't know what to do, Cara. Everything has just been so busy and jumbled, I don't know how to handle everything.." I say, rubbing my temple as I clutch my phone to my ear. Hearing Cara's soft breath on the other line, I can hear an ever so faint sigh. Cara was in Vienna for a photo shoot while I was here back home finishing up a new album with non stop recording and writing. We barely have any time for each other and the distance was not helping either of us honestly.

"Y/N... This is hard on both of us, I know lately things haven't been so great. And us not seeing each other for about couple months haven't been helping either. Trust me, I know. For now, we should just get our minds off of these things and let's face the facts here... We're both so famous and caught up in our own lives right now that... That we don't have time for each other.." I clutch onto my phone harder, knowing that she was right and I knew how this conversation was going to end.

"Cara, I know what you're trying to say." I mumble into the phone ever so quietly as I can hear her shaky breaths, I knew she was so close to crying.

"Y/N, I love you. I want you in my life, don't leave. Okay? I know us being on a break for now will be good. I'm sure of it," Her voice cracks.

"I won't leave." I respond, taking a seat on the bench behind me as I shut my eyes closed.

"I have to go. I'll talk to you soon, Y/N."

"I'll be waiting..." I mutter and with that the line went dead, but I was still holding my phone to my ear. I opened my eyes only to be met with blurry vision, I bring my sleeve up to my eyes and wipe furiously as I take a deep breath. I sit on the couch for a few more moments before standing up and composing myself, walking back into the record building. I walk into the elevator, heading up to the sixth floor.

I walk down the hallway, into the recording studio. I was met with a pair of concerned eyes.

"Hey, kid. You good?" And with that I ran into Megan's arms and began sobbing. She wrapped me up in her arms and held me close, rubbing my back and cooing things into my ear. Jesus, I just practically lost my happiness. But I know I'll get through it, I always do. After a few more moments of shedding tears I stood back up and Megan patted my back.

"You can go back home, Y/N. You know you've had a long day-"

"No, Megs. I'll stay, I need to get my mind off things and this," I motion to the room full of instruments, headphones, panels, and the microphone. "Will help me."

"Well alright then, just don't kill yourself working." She said playfully and I laughed softly as we both took a seat on the couch and began writing more songs, in the infamous notebook. We finished writing a few songs and now I was in the booth ready to recored. The music drowned my ears and I began singing,

Flatline, flatline, flatline, flatline

Lately you've been busy

Wonderin' if you miss me

Why did you go against me? I just wanna know

How come you act so different?

Talk to me—I'll listen

All the love I'm givin', don't act like you don't know

I was out there on the road, life out of control

She became a victim to my busy schedule

And I know that it's not fair, that don't mean that I don't care

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