chapter 26

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As I walk out of the booth and back into the empty  music room, I make my way back to the panel and tossing the notebook on the couch at the side of the room. I take a seat in the swivel chair, taking a deep breath as I compose myself. I wipe my eyes with my sleeves once more, before taking a look at the recording I just did. I play it over and add a bit of background vocals, surprisingly my voice doesn't need a bunch of auto tune or editing which is a good thing. When I finish up the song, I roll the chair over to the three mac computers on the other end of the room where the couch is.

I upload the song to the computer and make it a file. I log onto twitter, and compose a new tweet.

'Hey guys, thank you for all your support for the past few weeks. It has been hard, but I finally came through, so to make it all up here's a new song. Enjoy xo'

I add the link to the tweet and send it out for the whole world to hear and hopefully love. I also add a few pictures on Snapchat as well as Instagram. I smile at how my fans reacted to the new things I have posted, since it's been awhile. I take my time to reply to some of them before turning off the mac computers, I walk back to my room quietly changing into new clothes real quick before going downstairs.

All the girls are still sleeping so I grab my car keys and head out to get a quick breakfast for all of us. I unlock the doors and hop inside onto the drivers seat, I start my car the radio already blasting through the speakers and I head off. I decide to just get some Starbucks since it's the closest thing to my house. Driving down the street of sunny LA something catches my attention on the radio.

"Everybody has taken the good news very well of Y/N Y/LN posting a new song earlier this morning! She has been active on social media and the world is whole again. Since everybody has been requesting the new song, I thought why not play it on the radio. So here playing on the first time on the radio, here is 'I Think I'm In Love' by Y/N Y/LN"

A huge smile over takes my face, I turn up the volume and blast my new song through the speakers. I can't help, but jam out to the song. Somehow I make it to Starbucks in one piece, I turn off the car pulling out the keys as I get out. I know I thought it was horrible to remember everything earlier, but these are the moments I love to remember. When people are happy and I can make them happy, when I hear my song on the radio, just everything about that.

When I walk inside Starbucks, I'm hit by the scent of that coffee smell I've grown to love. I walk up the counter since there is no line and put in my order. I move to the side of the room to wait until they call out my name... I hope the spelled my name right this time. I scroll through my phone aimlessly until I feel someone tug on my sweater. I take my eyes off the small screen to be met with a little girl looking back at me, she has to be at least six years old.

"Y/N.." Her voice shy and timid, my gaze softness as I crouch down to her height. "I um I just wanted to say that you're my favorite person in the world." I couldn't help but smile, I bring my hand up to tuck a strand of hair behind her small ear. "And I'm glad you're okay.." She says with a wide smile, I felt myself get teary eyed. I took the girl into my arms and hugged her tight, letting her know that I'm thankful for her and her little speech.

I hear a chorus of aww's and I pull away, giving the younger a kiss on the cheek. When I stand up she runs back to her mother who was recording the whole moment on her phone. She gives me a slight wave before walking out of the small building. I see some fans who were recording the small moment as well, and taking some pictures with them. Once that finished, I grabbed my order and headed back home.

Fifteen minutes later I arrived back home, my hands and arms full with drinks and food. I barely get the door open, it's a miracle I even did. When I get inside I rush to the counter and set everything down, when I turn to face the living room where the girls were sleeping. I was surprised to see they weren't there. I turned my head to look out the window that was over looking my backyard to see five familiar figures looking out at the distance.

Then all of a sudden I was tackled to the ground.

"YOU TALENTED FUCKING LITTLE SHIT, YOU'RE BACK." Cara yells into my ear as her body clings onto mine on the floor. I laugh at her antics.

"Yup I'm back bitch, you thought you'd see the last of me."


Here's a little short update (like all my other updates lol) but I hope you guys enjoyed it :). I seriously enjoy when you guys comment, it makes me laugh and smile. But I hope you guys all have a lovely day or night where ever you may be. I love youuuuuuuuuuu

Over (Fifth harmony/You)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora