chapter 23

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Hi guys, I really would love if you guys would give me ideas and feedback because it's your story also guys!! It would be great if you could comment and let me know, enjoy! xxx (Also, I did not proofread, as usual.)

My engine roars as I cruise down a street called 'Sunset Blvd' it's a nice long strip, filled with people. God, it's such a nice day to be out and cruising the streets of Los Angeles. It is truly beautiful and amazing, as I take a look around I see people staring at my car, hollering and taking videos. Oh wait, or it could be because I'm a singer... Crap I forgot. I hope I could get away with this.

I continue my cruise down sunset and make a couple random turns somehow ending up near Hollywood Blvd. I look over at the sidewalk and notice the stars on them, The walk of fame.. Right? I saw it on tv the other day. Maybe I can walk around here and venture more of LA, later. I'm pretty sure I'm lucky enough to have found parking because this place is very very busy. I cut the engine, slipping the keys into my pocket and lock it once I'm out on the sidewalk. I take a look around my surroundings a large mall, some wax museum, a large Chinese looking theater and other artsy stuff.

I begin my journey down the strip taking in the sounds and scenery. Some people were taking double takes at me, but we all know why they were. As I continue my walk down the well, the walk of fame, a certain star catches my name. I stop and take a closer look at it.


Oh my fucking gosh.

My name is on the walk of fame. I probably knew this before, but for me now... I can't help but feel joy and thrill and all these emotions take over my body. I'm that successful and it makes me happy to be reliving this such exciting moment again. I take a quick picture with my phone before continuing my walk. When it begins to get dark I quickly make my way back to my car because people begin to notice who I am.

The crowd around me grows larger by the minute and I'm practically running to my car. The feeling of anxiety rushes through my body, I'm not used to this. At least not in this state, not with my condition. I unlock my car, getting inside and turning on the engine. I rev it to let people know to move out of the way and once the people part ways to make space, I step on the gas and speed past them before they could get anymore pictures. 

I glance at the time in front of me, 9:05 pm. I still have time for one more stop, the girls and Ariana haven't called me anyways, so I guess they think I'm at home which is good. They don't suspect a thing. I begin to head to a place called 'Santa Monica' I think it's a beach with a really cool pier, I saw it on tv earlier today. As I close to my destination something familiar on the radio pops up.

"Hey guys it is Ryan Seacrest on the radio and by popular demand we will be playing 'Stay With Me' by Y/FN Y/LN. But before I play the song let's talk about Y/N for a little bit guys, she has practically disappeared from this earth in the middle of her tour with Ariana Grande and Fifth Harmony. There is a legitimate reason for her disappearance, there was an accident while they were on the road which caused the girl to loose her memory. We don't know what happened, but Y/N if you're listening we miss you girl. Get well soon Y/N and now here is 'Stay with me'."

I smiled to myself, I don't know who that Ryan Seacrest dude is but he sure is nice. I somehow end up at Santa Monica when the song begins to end, I sit in the drivers seat and listen to the last verse of the song and how much emotion I put into it.

Oh, won't you stay with me?

Cause you're all I need

This ain't love, it's clear to see

But darling, stay with me...

I take a deep breath when the song ends, I put so much emotion into that song it practically hit me like a truck. There was so much hurt and sadness in the song that I felt overwhelmed. I don't realize I'm crying until I quickly wipe the tears streaming down my cheeks, all of this feels so familiar to me, but I can't quite figure out why. I get out of my car, the sounds of the waves crashing onto the shore filling my ears, I lock my car and begin to walk on a path which is on the beach which I think leads to the pier.

I look at the horizon, the sun is beginning to set, the sky painted a brilliant color of pink and orange. 

"Y/N!" I hear a voice yell, as the person crushes me into a hug. Another girl, am I only friends with girls? Is it because I'm gay? I politely hug back before the girl pulls away to look at me. She has these really nice eyebrows which stands out, but it does good to her, her dirty blonde hair with her grayish green eyes. She was drop dead stunning.

"You're okay! I mean, you're not okay since you lost you memory, but you're alive and breathing and here and you're okay!" She babies and pulls me into another hug, burying her face into my shoulder. I can't help but smile at her short ramble, wrapping my arms around the other girl and holding her close.

"Yup, I'm here." I say with a soft voice, after a few moments of holding each other (longer than it should've been) I asked her, "I don't mean to ruin this moment, but who are you?" She pulls away with a small smile and looks up into my eyes while flashing me a charming smile.

"I'm Cara, Cara Delevingne." 

"Wow what a beautiful name for a beautiful girl," I say with a small smile, she giggles and I notice a slight blush as she turns away to hide it. I can't help but check the other girl out.

"What a charmer you are, Y/N." She nudges me gently, "Well I'm guessing you don't really know this place so let me show you around, yeah?" I nod in agreement as she takes my hand and walks down the path with me. I can't help, think of how her hands fit with mine and her presence made me forget about earlier in the car. As we made our way towards the pier, I look around at the bright neon lights, the booths, and the rides. I can't help but feel like a child as the night goes on as we both ride the different rides and play the different games. 

And right now, we're both in the car as I drive back to my large mansion as Cara says.

"So they basically just left you in your house to fend for yourself?" Cara says in an 'obviously' voice.

"Well not really, they left me in my house because they didn't want me to go out by myself because I might get lost."

"But you didn't get lost," She says.

"Well yes."

"So hah, I rest my case." She says looking back unbuckling her seat belt as I park the car in my drive way (Which looks a lot like a parking lot). I also unbuckle myself, getting out of the car to open the passenger door for Cara. I don't know why I'm doing all these little gestures, but I feel like I need to impress this girl.

"Why thank you, Y/N. You're such a gentleman." She says teasingly as she taps my nose. I smile and walk beside her towards the front door. I take my keys out of my pocket to open the door, but the door swings open before I could even get my hand on the knob. When I look up, I'm met with a hard, angry gaze.

"Oh.. H-hey Ally." I manage to get out, my throat going dry.


AND HERE WE HAVE IT AN UPDATE!! And on this historic day, were gay marriage is legal in all 50 states. Which is truly amazing. I love you all so so so so so much. You guys are my everything :) and I want to get to know you guys also so if you guys want to follow or add me on snapchat that's cool:

Snapchat: cerleste

Twitter: ceileste

Tumblr: toolonelyforyou

And there you have it! Also comments and favs are much appreciated, your comments make me laugh. Again I love you all. See you all soon.

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