chapter 14

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I push my way through the crew backstage, desperately trying to find Isabelle. The performance, that was normal right? The way she looked at me, it meant nothing. I mean, I felt nothing. I think..

"Y/N, sweetie! You did wonderful," I was taken into a tight hug. I look at the figure holding me, immidiately recgonizing Isabelle. I returen the hug just as tightly. I sigh softly against her shoulder and soon let go of her.

"Isabelle, I need to talk to you about um somethings." I say in a low voice, as she gives me a look like she already knows what I want to talk about. She simply nods and walks with me to my dressing room, when we arrive I shut the door behind us. I take a seat next to the older woman, and I sigh once more unsure of where to start.

I feel a warm soft hand being placed on my leg, I look over at Isabelle and shrug. 

"Y/N, is it the girls again? Or is it that Ariana girl you just performed with?" I swear this lady knows me so well, she has like magical powers or something.

"Both." I reply, looking back down at my intwined hands. I hear her take a deep breath, knowing she wants me to continue. "Well you see, it's been very confusing for me lately. I've learned that one day or another that I'm going to need to become friends with the girls, and I did. It was actually kind of easy.. But then they started to say somethings, and Normani.. Normani apologized to me about what they've done and I just couldn't.. I didn't know what to think. A-and.." I felt Isabelle pull me into a side hug, as I feel my throat tighten up, tears brimming my eyes. "..I realized that I still utterly love them, dammit. I love them after all they put me through.. fuck.." I mutter my last word. She's now rubbing my shoulder in attempt to comfort me.

I take a few deep breaths to try and even out my breathing pattern, but it's no use. The memories of the girls just keep flooding in, and it's painful. All the happy and sad memories, they just keep coming and I feel like I'm drowning. I don't really remember much after that, all I know is that I fell asleep in Isabelle's arms.


"DAMMIT, again?! Seriously!" I was fussing because I kept dying in Call Of Duty. It was getting very frustrating. I threw my head back in frustration, huffing softly as I close my eyes. I feel something or someone, straddle my lap and press their lips against mine. They taste lip bananas, typical Camila. I feel her pull away from the long kiss and cuddle into me.

"You've been playing for hours babe," I hear her mumble against my neck. I wrap my arms around her small waist, pulling her closer to me. "Why don't we hangout? Or make out." I reply with a soft chuckle and rub her lower back. I feel her shift in my hold.

"Why don't we just stay like this," I say and feel her nod. I feel her breathing getting softer and quiter, knowing she must've fell asleep on me. I feel the couch dip beside me, I open my eyes only to be met by familiar green ones, she smiles and pecks my lips a couple times before laying her head on my shoulder.

"Is everybody tired today?" I ask Lauren, she just simply nods and I bet you she falls asleep also. I sigh, looking back at the screen, as I contiue to play my game.


I slowly begin to wake up, sitting up in my bunk unfazed by my dream. I've gotten used to it, always having dreams about them, it's nothing new. I yawn as I get up, but instead of walking to the front of the tour bus, I walk to the back. I plop down on the couch, and look out the window. I notice the streaks of rain running down the window, I watch them as they fall.

What a perfect day to just stay in and be sad. Wow, I'm really depressing.. Why not write a new song? Sure, sounds good. I look around the room for my notebook and pen, I finally find them and sit back down on the couch. I bite the tip of my pen, thinking hard about a new song to write.

I should write something I'm familiar with... I got it. I begin to jot down some lyrics to the song and made a bunch of mistakes.


I finished writing the song not too long ago, and now I'm currently making the beats for the song at the moment. The rain was still hitting the window just as hard as before, but it doesn't matter. It's actuall  quiet soothing. I heard a knock coming from the door and it soon slides open.

"Y/N, there you are!" A loud voice says, I furrow my brows and keep my eyes glued to my laptop.

"I was in here the whole time." I reply, not bothering to look up at who it is. I continue with the rythm of the song as the couch sinks beside me.

"New song huh?" I nod in response, "Good, I'm very happy that you have a another great song." I look over at the person next to me,about to ask for some privacy. But then I instantly realize who's next to me.

"Megan! You're back!" I tackle the other girl into a tight hug, her laugh fills my ears and I smile. I quickly let go, "I've missed you so much! So much has happened its just so crazy!"

"Tell me about it, I couldn't wait to come back Y/N" She says with a beaming smile.

"Here I want you to listen to this," I say, I play the beat to the song and I begin to sing. As the song comes to an end. I look for Megan's reaction, she begins to errput with claps and a few nods.

"I think we may have a new hit single."


GUYS ITS BEEN FOREVER. How have you guys been? Good? Great. Sorry, once again, for the very very very long wait. Is the story making sense so far? I hope so, well I'll try to update at a more reasonable time. But I'm warning you guys, I have a big project coming up and I don't know if I'll be able to update that soon. But I promise that I will try, love you guys! Please comment, feedback is the best :))

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