chapter 1

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Dating 5 girls, it's not easy. Trust me, I would know. But the thing is, I know I'm not the first thing on their minds anymore, they don't tell me everything anymore, they're not protective of me anymore, they do whatever the hell they want, when I ask them to please stay they say "we're busy" or "next time Y/N," heck they can't say 'i love you' while looking me in the eyes anymore. It brakes my heart, but hey that's how love is. It's true I guess they lied about forever. I'm even a one night stand for my girlfriends, how sad is that?

"Y/N!! Dammit Y/N where are you?" I hear Dinah shout from outside the room I'm hiding in. Right now, I'm silently pleading that she doesn't find me and calls for the other girls. A few minutes pass and her footsteps begin to fade away down the hallway. I make a quick get away to my room soon after to continue packing. About a hour later I hear the front door open then shut which indicates that the 5 girls are gone for the night. I sigh deeply. They didn't even try, they never will. I shake my head a bit, grabbing my 2 bags as I make my way down the stairs quietly.

I walk into the garage, unlocking my car. An all black BMW with slightly tinted windows, I begin to load my bags into the trunk of the car. I hear a few soft foot steps behind me, I turn my head to see who it is.

"Oh Y/N," It was my maid, Isabelle, but she was more like my mother. I could see the sadness in her eyes, but she tried to keep herself from crying. I rushed towards the older woman, engulfing her in my arms. "I'll miss you sweetheart.." Her voice fails her as I feel my shoulder dampen.

"Isabelle, I'm sorry I have to leave.. But I promise, we'll keep in touch, okay? Please don't tell the girls, I need this."

"I know Y/N, just please. Be safe." She says pulling away from the hug giving me a sad smile, as she wipes away her tears. I nod returning a small smile, turning around as I get into my car. I start it up and pull out of the garage in one swift move. I look back at the house one last time in my rearview mirror, seeing Isabelle waving good-bye. I take a deep breath, before speeding away from the house that holds many secrets, promises, and memories.

*2 years 6 months 3 hours 20 minutes and 15 seconds later...*

"Y/N, Y/N baby..." I hear a soft voice say, I blink a couple time before squintting open seeing a familiar brunette looking back at me with the most loving eyes. She plays with my hair as I let out a yawn.

"What time is it?" I ask my voice a bit raspy. I sit up just a little bit, keeping my gaze on the slightly older girl.

"It's 9:15, time to get up."

"No Ariana," I whine plopping my face into the pillow. "5 more minutes." I say with a groan.

"You're 18 years old now Y/N, get your lazy ass up." I reply with another loud groan which was muffled by the pillow. I slowly rise up from my position, seeing that she's already walking to the bathroom. I guess I stared a bit too long because I can hear her sweet laugh fill the room. I soon join her inside the bathrrom, walking up behind the shorter but older girl, wrapping her arms around her waist feeling her lean back into my chest.

"Can you believe it's been one year?" She says in a gentle tone. A small smile forms upon my lips.

"I honestly can't," I catch a glimpse of her smile in the mirror, but she soon turns around to face me cupping my cheeks in her hands. She leans in planting a small kiss on my lips, soon pulling away.

"C'mon babe, we have to get ready and get going. I have to get to sound check, it starts in an hour."

I roll my eyes playfully, unwrapping my arms from around her. I make my way into the closet getting ready. I change into a flannel shirt, a plain white crop top, that is slightly exposing my toned stomach, faded jeans with my white converse. something simple.

"Uh no, I don't think so babe," Ariana says. "That," she points at my slightly exposed abdomen "needs to be covered up." I chucke in response, but she shoots me a playful glare. "I don't want people checking out my girlfriend."

"Oh Ari, everyone knows I'm yours. You made it very clear in your last interview the other day," I say. She recently did an interview on Clever Tv. She made our relationship public and everyone was supporting us, which makes us both very happy.

"Yeah, I know but still.." She pouts, I lean over kissing her pout then her forehead.

"I'm yours and no one can change that." She takes my hand in hers intertwining our fingers.

"Oh lets go you big sap" She says with a giggle as she leads me out of the room. Here we come VMA soundcheck.

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