Chapter 15

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Megan was right, it was another hit song. But it had to be a duet song to make a bit more sense, it's called 'This Ain't The Way' and it features the one and only Tori Kelly. She has the voice of angel, I'm not even lying. But, recording while on the road was a struggle, but I pulled through. It took night and day, but it was worth it. Very worth it.

"Y/N, you're up for the interview." One of the crew members say, I nod in response. I get up from the seat I was sitting in and I walk to the empty couch that was beside the interviewer. I sit down on the couch, smiling at the interviewer.

"You ready?" She asks

"As I'll ever be."

"Great," She says with a wide smile. The camera man begins to count down.






And he points at the interviewer, queuing her.

"Hello I'm Marissa Heart, and we are here with the lovely, Y/N." The camera pans to the both of us. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm really good, a bit tired, but good." I say with a small smile, looking at Marissa. Holding the microphone close to my mouth.

"That is great to hear!" She chuckles, "Wow, you are so much more beautiful in person."

"You are too," I reply with a wink, as I see a faint blush appear upon her cheeks.

"Well let's get to the questions shall we?" She quickly says, I notice the girls are now watching the interview from being the camera. I try to ignore there gazes, as I focus on the girl in front of me.

"We have some questions from twitter," She says, "This is from @Y/Npunchme." I laugh at the username, making a fist at the camera with a wide smile before turning my attention back to the interviewer, "They are asking if you're single."

"Well duh of course, I'm too weird and awkward to have anybody love me." I say with a shrug, hearing a couple familiar giggles in the background.

"Next is from, @lovingY/N and they are wondering how it was to work with Tori Kelly."

"Working with Tori Kelly was definitely a honor, even though I didn't get to officially meet her, knowing that she featured in one of my songs is truly phenomenal." The interviewer nods in adoration, smiling at me.

"That is truly amazing, Y/N. Well now here comes the last question from, @Y/Nharmony," Oh gosh, here it comes.. "If you could date one of the girls from Fifth Harmony, who would you date and why?" I swallow quietly, looking over to where the five girls are standing. They're staring back at me with curiosity, wanting to know the answer. I glance back at Marissa.

"They are all stunning girls, very beautiful, talented, funny, all of the above" I say, "I don't know if I can pick one of them, just yet." I reply calmly as possible, with a smile to make it seem believable. She just nods with a slight smirk.

"Mhm, right Y/N." I roll my eyes with a soft chuckle, "Well that's all the time we have for today, I'm Marissa Heart and thanks for watching."

"Bye!" I quickly add with a wave as the filming comes to a stop. I begin to get up, only to be met with a hand taking mine and dragging me out of the room. As we get into an empty room, I look at the person- well more like people who dragged me in here.

"You seriously, couldn't pick one of us Y/N?" Camila says, looking at me with crossed arms along her chest. I just shrug, nodding.

"You could've at least picked me," Dinah mumbled.

"Um no, she could've picked me because I'm hotter," Normani says.

"No you're wrong, she could've picked me because I'm short and adorable," Ally says with a wide smile.

"No, you're all wrong. She could've picked me because I have green eyes," Lauren says at them. I silently laugh as they all begin to bicker. Typical, I say to myself mentally rolling my eyes.

"Hey, you guys." They continue they're bickering.


"GUYS!" That finally gets their attention, "Just get over it."

"We can't, it's a competition. Can't you see, Y/N?" I hear Lauren say.

"You have a bunch of people willing to go out with you, I mean a very long list of people." Camila says.

"And we need to get on that list, hell we need to be first," Normani adds.

"Why?" I ask, looking at them slightly confused.

"Because we miss you, we need you to function.." Dinah confesses.



Oh look what we have here, an update? Oh it is! Finally, but now there's a bit more interaction between you and the girls :) Are you guys excited? Because I am, yay yay yay yay. I love you guys and I'm sorry for any mistakes, I never proof read. I should probably start doing that. But maybe some other day. Comment and Favorite because those are appreciated, ALSO go check out my one shot about Camren, It's called 'Notice Me' I will love you forever if you check it out. Okay, now good bye :)

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