T w o - Memories

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Where the portal takes me to is a very foresty location with with a ridiculous number of trees surrounding me.

"Where am I..." i mutter to myself as I drift onto the new terrain. At least everything around me now isn't just fire and bones scattered all over the place. Now, I had just to figure out where to go and hope no one freaks out if they catch sight of me.

I pull on the hood of my cloak and float around the woods, looking for a way out.

The path I take is a long one and I don't know where I'm going which makes it harder to navigate around. The wood I am in is huge and it's dark out, so I'm already expecting myself to get lost rather than actually finding a way outside.

"Fine. I'll just hideout in one of these dumb trees for the night," I sigh to myself, growing impatient of having to wander for so long without any sign of escape. I glide towards one of the towering oaks and jam the claws I allow to grow from my nails on my humane hand into the bark. I then begin to climb and pull myself up. I know, I have the ability to glide but I can't levitate far off the ground or fly. Absolute waste of an ability, right? At least I don't have to really use my legs I guess...

Anyway, after a long struggle I finally pull myself up to a high and sturdy branch and lay back against it, stretching my legs and keeping myself balanced. I rest my head back against the trunk and look up at the starry sky above me, just visible through the small openings within the tree leaves.

It's...nice out here. Seeing the sky, all these trees...I missed it. Having lived 700 years in a place where none of this even existed made me appreciate the earthly realm more than I did when I lived here in my first century...


I think back to the times in my first century, when I once lived here with my mother...

She loved me.

She really did...

It was only when the small horn first sprouted from the side of my head and the left side of my face and arm started to look unusually sickly when she started to grow concerned. Time passed and she still cared for me, sending me to human school with hats and other accessories to cover the harmless horn. People started to suspect I wasn't being fed or I was being neglected because the right side of my face made it look like I was downright dying. I wore face masks and gloves but that was suspicious enough.

She took me out of school eventually and resorted to homeschooling me. Things were alright.

Then was when she started to have 'friends' over. At first, she let me around them but as soon as my horn grew longer and half my face appeared at the near point of literally rotting off, she began to hide me. The men she brought into the house would always question and ask about me. Accuse her of being a horrible mother, allowing my 'condition' to get this bad.

The final straw was the day I looked into the mirror and saw that the half side of my face was now completely skeletal, along with my left arm. My mother saw the same thing I saw, as she stood behind me the very moment I first saw my unfortunate features.

It was too much.
Why should she have to take care of the thing my father created? She never asked for a demon for a child! Half a demon at that!

I never again felt the warm gently hugs of my mother, nor did her gaze ever fall kindly upon me. When once inviting a male over, she exposed me without batting an eye and cried to him that I tortured her, giving myself away to evil practices and ritual. Upon hearing this and seeing my hideous flaws, he did the very thing I'm sure my mother wanted to do to me and beat me senselessly, trying to "purge" the demon out of me.

Luckily,  I slipped through the beatings at one point and with a badly beaten and bruised body, I ran for my life out of that horrible place, never turning back.

I shift my head from the sky, turning to look across at the other trees that surrounded me. I remember my father Zalgo appearing to me after days of wandering and spending most my time hiding and living behind the old convenient store in the same small town my mother lived in. He wasn't going to allow a good vessel fit to be future ruler of the underworld go to waste—he took me with him back to his realm without a second thought.

I spent hundreds of years in my father's kingdom, learning his stupid rules, following his stupid rules. Tolerating his stupid followers.
Becoming the face of death.
It was all tiring, really.
It's not the life I wanted to live...
I wanted to be human and live with my mom and make friends...

something I've never had.
Just servants who are all afraid of me—not counting Syngrath and these two other Zalgo shoe-lickers who I absolutely despise.

I sigh as I think of my time being forced to pretend I care and reaping the souls of humans to bring to Zalgo's realm. Such a waste, all of it. But now that I'm here in the human world again, I had a chance to make things different, right?

Time runs differently in the Zalgean world than it does in the human world. More than 700 years have passed in the time with my father, but it could've have been more than several in the earthly world. If I could somehow change myself...If I could fix myself, maybe I could find my mother and she would accept me again?

I would protect her with the powers I have gained and I would stop hurting people—I would give up my title as the Grim Reaper just to be normal and have people care about me...


No one fucking cares about me...

I shift again on the branch and turn my whole body so I'm facing down at the leafy, rocky terrain below. I see a very tall, unfamiliar figure standing there, 'watching' me.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦 𝐒𝐨𝐧  (CREEPYPASTA X REAPER READER)Where stories live. Discover now