T w e n t y - T h r e e - Your Service Is No Longer Needed

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"They don't look that bad, Sire. I don't think they take away anything from your magnificent face."

"Bandages are a sign of weakness, Syngrath, I don't need these! I told that gliding faceless branch SlenderMan that I could heal myself, I didn't need a checkup!"

Syngrath sighed and lowered the mirror while I place my palm against my forehead and turn away from him, feeling a headache coming on. "They're worried for nothing, really. I told them all I was fine. If anything, Stripes is probably worse off than I am."

"Perhaps so. Would you like the Viewing Mirror then?" Syngrath asked, placing aside the mirror he held for me to examine my face and grabbing the Viewing Mirror from off my bed.

I nod and take it from him staring into clear glass. The image quickly shifted from my face to a view of Stripes sitting in the cabin. Stripes could be seen now sitting aside in a corner of the cabin again the wall, either nodding off fast asleep or just lost in thought. I watch her for a while, trying to catch any sign of movement but after a while I guessed she had just fallen asleep.

"...Do you ever feel bad for her, my Lord?"

I turn and glare at Syngrath, eyes narrowed at his question, "Do you ever feel bad for her, Servant?"

Syngrath chuckled, "Oh, you're funny Sire. Ever since we've left her there I've been holding myself back from descending into demonhood just to go back and tear her open for even touching you."

He then smiled and tilted his head at me, causing me to blink. "Err...well, alright then. It's not like she really hurt me, so there's no need to feel that way, honestly."

Syngrath's smile waned a bit and he dipped his head at me. I sigh and place the mirror down on my dresser. I stretched my arms, only now feeling a wave of tiredness crash over me. "I ought to find myself to bed then...I may not be hurt but I am tired as hell..." I yawn, pulling myself up from where I was seated and turning to face Syngrath.

"I understand. It's important that my Master gets all the rest he deserves," Syngrath nodded his head in understanding, "although...before I go, may I ask my Grim something...?"

"What is it, Syn."

"...Have you... seen Jason around?"

"Hm," I pursed my lips and glare him dead-straight in the eyes, "why do you ask?"

"No reason. I'm just ...curious."

"Curious!" I scoff, waving him off with my hand, "no I haven't seen Jason. Be gone with you, butler."

Syngrath quickly nodded and bowed before me before turning on his heel and waltzing out of the room. Once he shut the door, I slumped my shoulders. I wasn't going to tell him anything pertaining to Jason because the both of them had already embarrassed me enough during dinner earlier.

And speaking of Jason...I was still disappointed in myself for allowing him to unnerve me as he had done while I was with Nurse Ann. I hated that...I felt so pathetic, nothing like I've ever really felt before.

I reach up and touch my hair, rubbing it aggravatedly. "Stupid Toymaker red-headed idiot..." I mumble under my breath, "he's almost as annoying as those two dumbass twins—"

I cut myself off when I feel the air in the room get noticeably heavier than it was before. I feel the hairs on my neck stand, now troubled by the feeling of being watched.

"Tch," I scoff aloud, running my humane hand along the back of my neck, "I know you're there Jason, quit breaking into my room and eavesdropping on me."

Turning around, I see he was just standing there, watching me.

"You mentioned my name Lord Grim, it's only right that as your servant I show even at the slightest calling of my name," He said, bowing to me.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦 𝐒𝐨𝐧  (CREEPYPASTA X REAPER READER)Where stories live. Discover now