E i g h t e e n - True Intentions

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After about two hours of being stuck posing with the Creepypastas for Bloody Painter's portrait, the artist finally shoos us all away and begins working on his final product. I heave a sigh of relief, finally being able to move again after being stuck so long trapped within a crowd of people, although the time wasn't that bad at all.

I spent the whole time talking with the Creepypastas and getting to know them and all their names. They asked me tireless questions about Zalgo and what it was like to be his son and what it was like to be a Prince and The Grim Reaper. Pastas would occasionally reach out and touch my scythe out of curiosity, then start bragging about touching the legendary weapon of 'Death Himself'.

It all amused me, really, and I actually ended up enjoying every moment of it. Once it was all over, people started to leave, but BEN Drowned quickly invited me to stay and play video games with him. "Watch me, in your time here, I'm gonna turn you into a diehard gamer, (Name)," BEN commented, tossing a gaming controller into my hands. "I'm already a gamer; got lots of them back in my place, although I've never played your mortal games before," I respond, setting down beside him on the couch.

Just as we were fixing to start playing, Syngrath show's up and bows before me, "My Lord. The SlenderMan requests you presence before him in his office."

I roll my eye, "Can't you see I'm busy, servant? Move yourself."

Syngrath dipped his head and stepped away from in front of the TV. BEN eyed Syngrath and smirked at him, then nudged me in the shoulder, "Your own personal butler, eh? Can I tell him to do something?"

I open my mouth to respond but Syngrath interjects before I could, "I am Lord Grim's servant and Lord Grim's servant only. I won't take orders from you."

I turn and glare at Syngrath, eyeing him down before waving my hand at him, "I'll allow it, since you want to decide what goes now. BEN, command him to do something."

BEN clapped his hands together and rubbed them excitedly, standing from the couch as he faced Syngrath. "You're awesome, Grim. This is gonna be fun~"

I glance at Syngrath and see him eyeing BEN darkly, his teeth visibly barred. I sigh and mumble, "Just don't overdo it, BEN—."

"Syngrath, go out into the woods and grab all of Slender's eight precious pages. Once you've collected them all, hide them and make sure Slender doesn't find out about them~."

Something about that task didn't seem as simple and easy to overlook as it sounded...I was about to question BEN on it when Syngrath abruptly dipped his head to the request and quickly turned and walked off. It looked more as if he was leaving quicker to avoid showing his visible anger than to hurry and attend to his given order.

"I hope you didn't just send my butler to do something stupid," I grumble, side-eyeing the green clad boy. BEN shrugged casually, "Eh, whatever happens he'll be fine. You're Zalgoids, aren't you? He can take Slender."

I heave a pissed sigh before lifting myself up from the couch. "Syngrath said SlenderMan needed me. I'll play with you in a bit."

"Hurry back then!"

I watched BEN as he relaxed against the couch and began to play his games. I smiled slightly at this, feeling good knowing that someone expected me to come back to them and hang out.

I decide to walk myself instead of glide to the hall with the Slender family's rooms and stride up to SlenderMan's office. That butler slender, TenderMan stood before the door as if he were waiting for my arrival. "Good, you're finally here. SlenderMan wishes to speak with you."

"Very well."

Tender held open the door for me and hung his head as I walked into the office. SlenderMan sat at his desk, writing, which I found amusing considering the fact he lacks eyes. "What child's work are you scribbling away at over there?" I scoffed with a grin as I walked up to the desk. I tried to make the remark sound more playful but I guess it came off as rude and nosy. SlenderMan placed down his pen in an aggravated manner and lifted his head to face me.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦 𝐒𝐨𝐧  (CREEPYPASTA X REAPER READER)Where stories live. Discover now