T w e n t y - O n e - Who Truly Understands The Grim Son

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"There you are! Where've you even been, you stupid butler!?"

Despite my rather cruel remark to Syngrath's appearance, I was actually more than relieved to see him and a big smirk had crawled it's way onto my face from the moment I'd recognized it was him.

"Only attempting to complete the task you ordered me to partake in, My Lord," Syngrath responded, keeping his full focus upon Stripes who was still struggling beneath him. His hand was clasped around her neck, keeping her pinned helplessly on the ground. His other hand was folded behind his back, as if the effort weren't even the slightest of a trouble to him.

'What an utter showoff...' I thought.

I glide over to him and glare down at him for a bit before returning my attention to Stripes. Stripes was starting to act rather feral as she was being held down by Syngrath, "Let me go! You'll pay an extraordinary price for your inclusion in all of this, Syngrath!"

"Oh really?" Syngrath grinned widely and tilted his head, "will I truly pay an extraordinary price for lending a hand in my Master's decision to leave?"

"You'll surely pay a price for making me have to come out here and search for you," I scoff, "but whatever Stripes is blabbering about is irrelevant. I want her sent back to Zalgo's realm immediately so she can stop pestering me."

"Please, (Name), you're making a huge mistake. You have to come back home. You don't want your father to get involved, do you?" Stripes pleaded, turning her gaze at me. "If it so happens that Father feels the need to stick his nose further into my situation, then I'll simply leave. I'll find a realm so far and hidden that you two may never find me."

I then give Stripes a very hard, serious glare, "I want nothing to do with any of you. Let my final words sink into that pea-sized brain of yours."

Stripes had opened her mouth as if to say something but no words came out in return. Syngrath turned to glance at me and tilted his head a bit, giving me an aggravating, quaint smile, "I can see why everyone would be so adamant in trying
to get you in their hands, Lord Grim. You're just too charming~."

"...Syngrath, shut your worthless mouth and put Stripes away. I demand you."

"Heh, yes my Lord."

Stripes started pleading again and fought hard to try and get loose from Syngrath as Syngrath reverted the open portal back to its spherical shape. I watched as he then placed the new portal right besides Stripes and himself, ready to escort her in.

I began thinking to myself about all that had just occurred, but it was then that I'd remembered something alarmingly important.

"Wait," I abruptly call out, halting Syngrath from dragging Stripes into the portal. Stripes slowly turned and looked at me, a helpless expression on her face. I rolled my eyes.

"Syngrath, I've changed my mind. Close the portal. Keep Stripes seized, would you?"

The servant nodded and instantly reverted the portal back into a spherical state again. Stripes looked between me and him in confusion. "Don't think I'm being lenient on you or anything like that," I scowl, "I just remembered the fact that you happen to know of SlenderMan's existence and this might be huge sour on my plans of staying here. I know you're just waiting to go home and tell my father where I've been hiding...and I'm really not in the mood to deal with him."

I turn my attention to my skeletal hand , seeing that it was still covered in some dry blood from our little skirmish, "So, I've decided that I'm instead going to keep you here. As a hostage. I'm not giving you the opportunity to go and ruin everything I've just gotten used to."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦 𝐒𝐨𝐧  (CREEPYPASTA X REAPER READER)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant