S e v e n t e e n - I'm Just Like All of You

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"Am I...not enough for you, Sire?"

Syngrath's random question as he followed me into the living room area after dinner caused me to scoff aloud. "Stop uttering nonsense, butler. What do you mean by that? You're my only servant."

Syngrath seems to look at me as if he's unsure of my words. I sigh, "If this is about Jason...he's rather strange. Then again, who wouldn't want to serve me, right?" I smirk at Syngrath, hoping he could catch on with me trying to be humorous. I felt like he rolled his eyes whilst I wasn't paying attention, and now his gaze has trailed away from me. I slowly frown, "Oh come on Syngrath, I have thousands of servants and they've never been anything compared to you! They were all lousy and ridiculous. You're not as ridiculous as they are, not even close."

"Of course," He responded coldly, "I do my best to be the least ridiculous in your eyes, My Lord."

He then bowed his head to me and crossed his hand over his chest. I glare at him for a long while, trying to read his aura to determine his mood, but Syngrath's emotions remained obscure to me. I roll my eye and turn from him. "Stop being ridiculous, butler. Go make yourself useful and help that TenderMan with all the dishes from dinner."

"...Yes My Lord."

Syngrath quickly spun on his heel and waltzed back to the dining area to help TenderMan clear everything up. I continue on into the living room where some of the other Pastas had wandered to after dinner, now indulging themselves in relaxation before bed—or their nightly killing sprees.

I wanted to take this chance to try and get to know someone—or at least make some friends. I watch as a Creepypasta with gray skin and golden eyes stalk over to the huge couch and sit on the arm; in his grasp was an old, worn looking guitar.

I haven't encountered this specific individual yet, so I watch him closely, making my way over to the far opposite other end of the couch that he was on. I observe as he begins playing a song on the guitar and singing; and this action draws some of the other killers near to him.

It was strange; his voice sounded serene and
gentle and nothing like I've ever heard in my entire life. It left me entranced as I watched him strumming the guitar. It seemed that in this very moment that he was playing and singing he appeared...happy? He didn't look like one to smile very much, that was for sure.

"Isn't he amazing?" A voice suddenly whispered in my ear, and I jump seeing the appearance of a girl with short cut blonde hair and black, mysterious eyes—irises and all pitch dark like the void. I glare at her for a while; by all honesty she was pretty, and her beauty slightly struck me for a bit. "He uh..." I mutter lowly, reaching and feeling the side of my face. I'd forgotten I didn't have my mask on for dinner, and the decayed side of my face was exposed. Shit.

She tilted her head at me. "What's wrong? Why're you trying to hide your face? Is there something wrong?"

She looked at me with a concerned glance, yet it could still be seen that the little flecks in her eyes which resembled stars in space glimmered with curiosity as she looked at me. It was like she was...an Angel. I quickly look away from her and cover the decayed side with my hand, feeling my heartless pounding in my chest. "It's unfortunate that you should see me with this disgusting, rotting half of a face," I mutter, trying not to meet eyes with her again. She blinked, then gave a light chuckle, "What are you taking about? It's not disgusting. It's the most interesting face I've ever seen. You fit in perfectly with the rest of us and there's nothing wrong with you..."

I notice in the corner of my eye her hand reaching out and I turn in shock to see that she was reaching to touch the skeletal side of my face. I panicked, but remained frozen as her finger came closer and closer to me...

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦 𝐒𝐨𝐧  (CREEPYPASTA X REAPER READER)Where stories live. Discover now