T w e n t y - F i v e - Reuniting The Living And The Half-Dead

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The Toymaker's p. o. v.

The look of unadulterated shock on Grim Reaper's face was priceless. Not to mention the mixed in emotions of anger and what I could detect as anxiousness...it was quite amusing to see.

"You're an idiot. Why am I here?!" (Name) shouted, raising himself a bit above my height and glaring me down. His angered glare causes me to chuckle and I tilt my head at him, "Why are you so upset? I would've thought you'd appreciate the chance to see your one and only mother again? Besides, I doubt your two servants would think to look here—they'd have expected you to have ran back to Slender's place."

"Anywhere else but here you scumbag," (Name)'s gaze pierced my own, "my mother is a wretch and so are you. Take me somewhere else at once, if you so call yourself my servant."

I casted (Name) a crooked smile and look up at him guilefully, "Is this grounds for punishment then?"

(Name)'s eyebrow arose and he gawked at me for a long moment before responding coldly, "Go take a long walk off a short pier then, why don't you? Punishment? Punish yourself, asshole."

He then lowered himself back onto the ground and turned from me, once again facing the house that settled before us.

Despite (Name)'s harsh and incredibly abrasive behavior, I found myself constantly entertained by his personality. Everything about him was just perfect, precisely everything I could ever look for in the one that would be destined to devote themselves to me forever. I needed his power...everything.

I was determined to play it off as his loyal and faithful servant until I had every aspect of his trust and dependence. I needed to be all he sought, all he wanted, all he needed...I wanted every last drop of his attention to be solely mine.  This way, it would all be child's play attaining his power and everyone he holds power over.

All I had to do was manage to keep (Name) away from the mansion and away from his old butler long enough to the point he solely relied on me. Once I gained his trust, I may be able to convince him to return to the underworld to his father for better and I would then reap the benefits of bringing the Grim Reaper back to the underworld...but only for said benefits of course... Once I receive everything I seek from Zalgo, I'll keep the main prize for myself—his very own son's soul. Too bad there won't be a thing he or his laughable followers could do about it.

"Why am still standing here?" (Name) snapped, still facing the house with his arms crossed. "Make a door or something so I could leave. Be useful for once in your miserable lifespan."

"Where else would you like to go?" I asked, walking up beside him. "Are you hard of hearing? I said anywhere but here."

I chuckled, "Come my lord, I think you might be surprised by what you'll find here."

I grabbed his hand before he could argue and pulled him towards the door of the house. (Name) seethed, "I don't know what I did to make you feel you have to right to touch me all the time. You servants are all getting too comfortable, thinking you can just drag me around!"

A grin forms on my face as (Name) doesn't realize he's been unknowingly referring to me as his servant this whole time despite seeking to 'release me of duties'. He still sees me as a minion yet I could bet there was not one thought of that annoying Syngrath in his head. How perfect~.

"Just trust me, Master. As your one and only faithful servant, I seek to place you in only the best of situations."

"...Would you stop groveling so hard? Whether you believe it or not it's actually irritating me..."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦 𝐒𝐨𝐧  (CREEPYPASTA X REAPER READER)Where stories live. Discover now