T w e n t y - Family Skirmish #1

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Your p. o. v

I ventured off gliding around the woods searching for my stupid butler—he hasn't shown up for hours now and whatever BEN told him to go do must be outrageously silly if it's keeping Syngrath away from my presence for this long.

That smiling bleached roach Jeff and his brother Liu tagged along with me, even though I never asked, but I didn't complain.

"So you're saying, BEN told Syngrath to go snag Slender's pages? What a dumbass," Jeff scoffed, swinging his knife around as he stalked beside me. "How so?" I question, raising my one eyebrow.

"Slender has this weird system...he put those pages out there but whenever humans or outsiders come in contact with them, Slender'll teleport to them and kill them on the spot or just send other killers to apprehend them," Liu explained.

"Don't tell me your Slender gets his tentacles twisted all because of a few pieces of paper!" I scowl, turning my gaze to Liu. "Oh, we're telling you," Jeff grumbled, "he may come across as big and bold but he's as ridiculous as they come."

"I've always had a feeling."

Liu glanced at me and grinned slightly, "You know Grim, you find practically everything ridiculous."

"Well," I scoff, "nothing's proved sensible to me yet so I don't see any problem with it."

"Well, you might wanna get a grip and stop acting so high and mighty above everything quick" Jeff yawned, "no wonder that haughty ketchup stain Jason is drawn to your ass."

I snorted when he referred to Jason as a ketchup stain and shook my head. "He's the most ridiculous of anything ever...however, I have to give him credit for giving me my new scythe...it's way better than what I had befo—"


I suddenly stop in my tracks when a hefty wave of gravity suddenly falls upon me, and I sense that a dark, yet familiar aura has just entered into this realm from another at a very close distance to where me and the brothers were.

"Grim? Why'd you stop?" Liu questioned, halting and turning to me as he'd caught on that I was no longer walking with them. My eye goes pale and darts around the area as I begin to feel panic arising inside of me. I can see the shadow of whatever just entered rushing in our direction.

'Oh fuck. Oh shit. Why is SHE here??'

"(Name)?" Jeff hissed , an alarmed expression forming on his face. I quickly snap out of my tracking state and glide before Jeff and Liu, pulling my scythe from my eye and holding it at my side, "Liu, Jeff, stay behind me, don't get involved."

I would've preferred to hide, but hiding would be no use against what we were about to face. "What? What's going on? Why are—"

"Just do as I say," My voice descends a few octaves lower than what they were used to, which caused them both to quickly move behind me without any more protests.

As soon as they were out of the way, some bushes that were ahead of us are just about singed to complete ashes as they're suddenly engulfed in a mouth of flames, and I watch as the figure of a familiar being step over the blackened bushes.

"There...there you are!"

I roll my eye, taking in the form of my dumb cousin, a Zalgoid lady with pale skin and messy brown hair with black horns pertruding from it and red-tinted goggles covering her eyes. Her long white and red striped cloak flowed behind her as she marched up to me, a look of relief washing over her.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦 𝐒𝐨𝐧  (CREEPYPASTA X REAPER READER)Where stories live. Discover now