T w e n t y - F o u r - Twin Ambush

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Your p. o. v.

After spending a long time talking with Lazari the girl finally grows tired of me I assume and she goes off to find her playmate, Sally.

I take the opportunity to head off to my own room and enjoy some time to myself, as well as check up on how Stripes was doing at that old cabin we'd left her in.

As I was heading to my room, I see Jason standing around nearby and again I find myself growing frustrated.

'If it isn't Syngrath it's fucking Jason. Give me a break...'

"What do you want," I bark at him with fragile patience, eager to just get to my room. I assume SlenderMan already told him what I wanted him to and now he wanted me to confirm it, just like Syngrath. "Yes whatever SlenderMan told you is exactly what I said, now please leave me be."

"Oh, I understand that much, but didn't I already tell you?" Jason replied, tilting his head. "I'll always serve you no matter what! Even if you tell me to go away."

"...Go away," I snap, in annoyance. I storm past Jason and into my room, quickly slamming my door shut. I march over to my dresser and grab my Viewing Mirror. However, just as I was about summon the view of Stripes, I feel a heavy aura fall amongst my bedroom and I suddenly feel stricken with an unbelievable wave of fear.

I was being watched by something that had no business being here...and the fact that the presence felt familiar was bothering me.

I put down the mirror and look around my room in a panic. I don't see anything out of the ordinary but my intuition was loud in my head and I felt like I needed to get away from the mansion as far as possible. I grabbed the Viewing Mirror and stuffed it into a slit in my cloak before dashing out of my room past Jason, who then called out to me in alarm.

I ignored his call and ran downstairs past some of the Creepypastas who tried calling out to me in concern but I ignored all of them and raced out of the mansion as fast as I could. Once I was in the woods I stopped using my legs and glided over the ground trying to lose my way from the mansion.

I could feel the presence of two familiar beings now tearing after me, their proximity very much real and not just in my head.

After I was comfortable with the amount of distance I'd placed between myself and SlenderMan's home, I stopped fleeing and turned to my two pursuers, now pulling my scythe from out of my consciousness and readying it at my side.

"Absolute buffoons, the both of you! What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice echoing throughout the area. The two who turned out to be none other than Avzaroth and Aragoth stood before me with large grins on their faces. "At last, we've finally found you, our beautiful Prince," Aragoth said, bowing her head to me, "we were worried sick when we found you'd vanished from your room on the most important day of all days!"

"Oh shut up, you two could care less what happens to me," I scoff, "I know that Augean headache Zalgo sent you here, you're just doing all his dirty work like the 'good little followers' you are.."

Avzaroth chuckled and floated over to me. He smiled and ran his finger beneath my chin, "Don't mock us like that, beloved Prince~. You mean the worlds to us and it pains us to see you lost and your father so upset..."

I slapped Avzaroth's hand away and growled, "I'm not lost you twit, who told you I was lost!?"

"But My Lord," Aragoth stepped to my other side, "Lord Zalgo had went above and beyond to prepare you for your day of transformation, yet you went behind his back and fled elsewhere to escape such an honor? Do you not understand how much shame you've brought upon your family?"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦 𝐒𝐨𝐧  (CREEPYPASTA X REAPER READER)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt