Part 14

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Hiya, Today's my birthday! I turn 16!!! It feels the same as any other age except I can drive legally now well, anyways just wanted to give you guys something so I hope you enjoy ☺️

Back on the ship I sat further away from the guys due to their stench.

I on the other hand didn't smell. It was probably because Miya shielded me from a majority of the mud.

Lucky me.

Loading off the ship didn't take too long except for the fact that Ichigo kept going over to me every 3 minutes to attempt and trash talk me and remind me of our beef. That is until the last time she came over to say something I have had enough.

"Yea yea! I know and I remember we have a beef Ichigo, stop pestering me about it and stop being a petty childish brat!" I shout.

Kuro who was standing behind her had snickered causing her to glare at him. Miya laughed a little as well.

"I have an idea, Y/n." Kuro speaks up. "You are apart of S right?"

I nod my head yes.

"Well then how about you both have the beef at S at midnight." Kuro suggest.

I didn't know that Ichigo was aware of S. He must've given her access to a sticker when they met.

"I'm fine with that." I spoke calmly.

"Tch fine. Jokes on you because I'm going to beat you in front of all those people!"Ichigo smirks.

"I highly doubt that." Miya speaks up picking his bag up and hopping on his skateboard.

"Me too." I agree and follow his actions. I skated off and left before Ichigo could have the last word.

"Are you skating as Y/n or Hanji?" Miya asked me.

"Probably Hanji, I've never shown my face at S before and I don't wanna be known as a rookie." I respond.

Time Skip

Miya picked me up at 11:30 to go to S. I was in my normal skating attire with the black mask.

This beef was going to save Kuro from Ichigo. Hopefully.

That is, if she doesn't try to cheat her way out of this.

When we got to S we met up with the others and they all wished me luck. I went to leave towards the starting line but before I could Miya grabbed my hand and turned me around.

"Hey, just real quick. I've seen Ichigo skate a few times when you weren't here. She throws rocks at her opponents to make them fall, so please be careful." Miya cupped my cheek with his free hand and kissed my forehead.

My face bursted into flames under the mask as I nod my head and walked towards Ichigo who was already at the starting line.

"What are we betting on?" I ask.

"Who are you?" She asked snarkily.

"Your opponent." I answer.

"But you're Hanji, not the girl I was supposed to race."

"Put two and two together already." I say.

She forms an O with her face and she starts nervously sweating.

✿Miya POV ✿

"I knew it was her." A familiar voice said from besides me.

"Huh?" I ask.

"I knew that Hanji was Y/n."

This surprised me. "Wait how'd you know?!"

"It was a gut feeling at first, then I saw her skate me before and their styles were similar, as well as the attitude. This confirms it."

"You're smarter then you lead on." I mutter.

"Look, I'm sorry for dragging you guys into this but thank you." Kuro says looking off.

✿Y/n POV ✿

"Answer my question now." I say because Ichigo was taking too long to process the information.

"Oh- right. If I win then you have to leave Miya Chinen's side and S." She points.

"And if I win then you release Kuro from the shackles of this relationship and you stop talking to me." I say.

She looked shocked once more but this time she regained her composure quicker.




The loud sounds of the alarms blaring made me jump start and race off, we were close encountered in the first few turns. She's gotten better clearly.

But she was still a new skater. I did a rail slide around the turns thinking I had lost her. But every time she caught me off guard with her frustrated mutters.

I heard her say something along the lines of "enough of this I'm winning." And I was hit with something.

It hurt a lot, it even knocked me off my board and caused me to scraped my knee really badly. Her maniacal laughter was heard as she passed me on the ground.

She had thrown a rock the size of a deformed baseball at my side. My knee was bleeding from this impact but I wasn't going to loose this.

My knee and side hurt like hell but I picked my skateboard back up and started going at a dangerous speed. I came up from behind her and passed her by a few centimeters, I was at a disadvantage when we got to the factory because there wasn't much I could do without twisting my side.

So I did something else.

I payed Ichigo her karma back. I got ahead of her on the narrow passage way and turned around with my water gun in hand and shot at her wheels. They hit and she started sliding off balanced and I jumped the rail before she could and...

I finished first.

I won.

Hiya, here's another chapter and Oh I've changed the aesthetic of this book for the third time lmaooooo

Also Sk8 announced a new project today and I'm so stoked to see what it is, I hope it's a season 2


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