1| she's all that

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TODAY WOULD DETERMINE AUDREY WILDE'S FUTURE. Her fate depended on her achieving the title as Yale's class president of '07, or so she believed. She was a month into her first course as a sophomore in college, with an aim in attaining her economy and public relations degree with a minor in journalism. Sophomore year was when they begin picking annual class presidents, with it's privileges consisting of organising events, having a say in the Daily News, and a much needed extra credits for her classes.

Audrey Wilde, golden girl and all around overachiever, had worked her way up for this precisely. A good class president embody moral and social code and characteristics such as enterprise, leadership, communality and a capable attitude; willingness to spend your free classes and time pursuing organisational activities. These are all qualities she personified; although she had to work on her passiveness and as her roommate, Paris Gellar describes as insanely uptight, know-it-all persona.

     "Can you stop sulking? The board loves you, they even invited you to their ritual ceremony—"

     "It was a dinner at the cafeteria on after hours, Paris." Audrey corrected her, brooding at the mere thought of the campaign results. Over the course of her freshman year, she volunteered in as much extra curricular activities as she could fit in her schedule; the debate team for public relations, a male-dominated club that she stubbornly signed up for, and ended up winning third place in the championship, and as writer for the Daily News– although that was more for hobby than anything. And lastly, the Yale Entrepreneurial Society.

     The Yale Entrepreneurial Society aided her in landing an internship over the summer, and it was a blessing that their gatherings were monthly, making it easy to adapt into her schedule. The internship was at a successful newspaper magnate that rivalled the Huntzberger's family business, Newspaper Congolomerate.

      Audrey would be lying if she said she didn't intern for the Huntzberger's rival on purpose, because Logan Huntzberger was her own rival. The two have known each other since she transferred to his high school on senior year, reckoning his academic empire by becoming the valedictorian and student council president, with Logan underneath her as vice president.

     Logan had everything handed over to him on a silver plate– and the worst part that made Audrey abhor the boy, was that he didn't appreciate it. He had a rather playful personality that contrasted her tense, strict personality. The two didn't mesh well when it came to decisions at their high school student council. While Logan wanted a riskier, funner approach on their high school events, Audrey wanted something classic and traditional that would make her look well in front of the school board. Unlike Logan, she didn't have the privilege of making mistakes and not having her reputation forever stained with it.

     "Whatever— I think I was the clear candidate to be invited to the honour students society, but they only pick three freshman's, and they picked you."  Paris was saying it more in a condescending tone than an encouraging manner, which only made the girl more anxious. "So surely they'll pick you for class president."

     "They also invited Huntzberger to the honour society," She brought up. "So we're the two most qualified candidates— Glenn just entered to test his luck, and Robert and Colin just entered as red herrings so that it would eliminate potential competition for Logan. They both have a place in the student council either way."

     They stood outside the Yale Daily News office, waiting on Doyle, the current editor, to announce the class president on the speakers. Last week had been the announcements for junior's class president, and the following week will be the senior's class president. All the sophomores, and a myriad of freshmans were gathered around the courtyard, nonchalantly waiting for the announcement. The students were eager to know who the class president was, as it would mean cajoling them into organising a multitude of events and activities that would get them out of their classes.

the rivals play ━━  logan huntzbergerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon