8| the game plan

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THE ARTICLE ENDED UP BETTER THAN EXPECTED. It created buzz, and had both the students and professors talking about it all day. The faculty was utterly intrigued by the idea of the secret society, and Audrey was coerced all day by her professors for more details on the Life and Death Brigade. The students devoured it as well, but they seemed to have a vague idea on who might be in the society.

    Rory and Audrey spent all Sunday night writing it, and managed to get it done for a week-opening article, and it went just as planned. Her one regret was that she didn't sneak in photos at the society. "I can't believe you haven't read Slaughterhouse Five." Rory scorned her as they walked into the Yale Daily News office. "And no ones ever spoiled it for you, right?"

"I have a feeling you're about to." Audrey said observingly. "It's been on my list for a while, I just never had the time because some of us don't finish books in five minutes the way you do."

Rory, hiding her pleasure from the validation, shrugged a shoulder. "Hey, if you read as much as you watch movies, you'd be Matilda."

"There you two are," Doyle clasped onto Rory and Audrey's wrists as they entered office. "The article was brilliant! Big success!"

    Paris trailed after him. "It was impressive." She admitted. Audrey straightened her posture when she received the validation from Paris, who she knew was critical at everything. "But the structure? Horrendous."

    "Was not!" Rory pouted.

    Doyle shook his head. "She's only saying this because I refused to publish her article on famous Yale alumni. She doesn't realise that I won't allow it because it's overdone." His tone was sharp and directed at her without really saying it to her. Both Rory and Audrey felt like they were interfering.

Paris shot him a glare. "He wants to give Logan a chance at writing an article, when we all know that doofus is here for show."

    "Huntzberger, an article?" Audrey asked inquisitively, furrowing her eyebrows at Doyle. "What's he gonna write? A narcissistic autobiography?" She snorted.

    Someone brushed by her, swiftly passing by her to join the circle of four. She looked up in horror to realise that it was Logan. "Yeah, and I finished a rough draft already." He added onto her remark.  "You'd be surprised at how many different ways I can say charming and handsome."

    Audrey straightened her stance, mirroring his satirical grin. "I'd switch them out for their antonyms if you want a more accurate description."

"No, I think endearing golden boy will do."

"I suppose you'd have to write at least one article a year if you're looking not to be kicked out of the Daily News." Paris turned to him with brazen disdain towards him. "So, who's your ghostwriter?"

    "Paris!" Doyle warned.

"Believe it or not, i'm capable enough to write a good article if I feel like it."

Audrey took a few steps back to escape the circle, tumbling back to her desk. She set her notepad down, flopping to her seat. Being class president meant she'd have to take part in the Daily News to inform her sophomore class of upcoming events or fundraisers, but Audrey has wanted to be part of it outside of just class president duty. She loved the environment so much that she decided this would be her career.

    To grow up and become part of a publishing house or a newspaper company, despite her parents previous wishes of her becoming a finance major to work in an investment company. She didn't steer far from their desires when she picked a business major, although double-majoring in economics and public relations wasn't what they had in mind. But seeing as she was offered many internships the past summer, she concluded that it was a stable career choice.

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