4 Awkward talk with Gojo

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We spent the whole morning talking about the basics of the sorcerer's world. From what I gathered, I was glad the curse that ran up on me was only Grade 4 because there were other curses that were much more dangerous. I was also embarrassed that I was so scared of a Grade 4 curse.

It was almost noon so we decided to head back and have lunch with the other students and teachers.

"Um, that white-haired man. Who was that?" I asked on the way.

He chuckled which confused me.

"I thought you knew. Your parents told me that he wanted to recruit you four years ago when he met you in the village. That's why I was surprised that you couldn't even kill that easy curse. Gojo doesn't recruit people who aren't strong and don't have potential." He noted.

Huh, so his name is Gojo and my parents told Nanami. It made sense, they had to give him some reason why they wanted Nanami to be my teacher and not Gojo.

So far it seemed like everyone hated this guy and it made me confused because he wanted to teach me. He saw something in me. I wondered where I'd be if I accepted his offer those four years ago. Would these people hate me too?

"Oh, my parents don't like him very much. Do you happen to why? Because they wouldn't tell me." I asked curiously.

"They didn't mention a reason but Gojo is that type of person who can find enemies everywhere." He didn't seem to even care why my parents didn't tell.

Hm, I should talk to him and ask him about my parents and what did he see in me someday.

We entered the common area to Gojo and that pink-haired boy bickering at their table.

Megumi was calmly eating his food next to them, acting like the two didn't exist. We took our food and sat next to them.

When Gojo and that boy noticed us they immediately stopped and smiled at us.

"Hi~ Nanami, hello~ mysterious student." Gojo chirped.

"You know her Gojo, don't act like you never met her." Nanami shut him up.

"You're that girl who helped me and froze the spirit!" The student beamed.

"Hi." I waved. He seemed full of energy, I hoped he didn't get beat that bad yesterday.

"I'm Itadori." His hand shot out to me almost knocking over a glass.

"Y/N." I shook his hand. He smiled but then suddenly stopped.

"You won't freeze me right?" He said anxiously.

"Oh no. I wouldn't do that." I said, frantically waving my hands. I didn't want to embarrass myself for the second time today.

"So~ kid. Why didn't you accept my offer back then and now I see you with my Nanami here training to be a sorcerer." Gojo rested his chin on his palms and leaned towards me.

"I- uh-" I didn't know how to tell him. Did he not know? He must know my parents don't like him.

Nanami sighed, seeing Gojo get me clearly anxious with his questions.

"She's from the Mori family, I think you know why she couldn't accept YOUR offer." He said tiredly.

Gojo's eyebrows shot up under his blindfold and he leaned towards me more.

"So you're Mori, yes?" He said slowly. I nodded. i didn't know where this was going. His tone of voice was very strange.

"How are your parents?" He chuckled. It seemed like he meant it sarcastically but I didn't know why.

"Uh- they're good." I said quietly.

He leaned back.

"They're good." He repeated after me. "You heard that Nanami? They're good." Gojo laughed loudly. I was more confused than ever. I didn't understand his reaction and it made me even more determined to know what happened between him and my parents.

"Y/N just eat and don't pay attention to him." Megumi advised.

I listened to his words and continued to focus on eating. Gojo whined for a bit but then changed his attention to annoying Nanami and saying something to Itadori about his training.

"How was training with Nanami." Megumi quietly asked me. Gojo was busy pestering Itadori and Nanami was too focused on his food to hear us.

"It wasn't bad but could be better. We only talked about the theoretical part of being a sorcerer." I lied.

He nodded and started eating again. After few minutes he added. "If you need help with the training some day, tell me." I smiled and thanked him.

We finished our lunch and went to the school's gym to actually train this time.

"You didn't have to lie to Megumi, everyone was bad when they started."  Nanami said out of the blue while taking off his cream jacket.

I only nodded, feeling embarrassed because I was caught in my lie. But I felt a little better after he told me.

"Do you know any fighting techniques which would help you in a battle?" Nanami asked while rolling up his sleeves. His toned arms threatening to rip his blue shirt. I couldn't help but take another look at him.

He was quite well-built which I didn't notice before under his loose suit jacket. I wonder if I needed to be this ripped to fight cursed spirits because me and exercise didn't go together.

I had stamina don't get me wrong. Running from wolves back home who would hand out around our cows taught me to be a good runner. But I couldn't lift much so throwing someone against the floor wasn't in the picture.

"No, I don't know anything." I said sheepishly. I felt bad. I didn't meet any of his expectations and it was only bringing me down and making me feel more of a disappointment to my parents.

"Hm, then we have to work with what you got and try to use your freezing skill as much as possible to compensate for your lack of strength." He announced.

He told me to explain to him how my freezing worked in as much detail as I could so he could grasp what he was dealing with.

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