8 Out of patience

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When we got to the school grounds, Nanami waited for us, clearly not in a very good mood. His arms were crossed in front of his chest, the veins on his arms protruding from how his arms were tense. He looked like he was piercing our heads with imaginary spears.

"Nanami~ you're  nicely waiting for us here?" Gojo said seemingly unaware of the anger that radiated from his friend's body.

He didn't move or say anything until Gojo tried to put his hands on Nanami's shoulder which he quickly swatted away.

"Where have you been." He gritted.

"Oh, you know, just here and there. We picked up Ms. Nobara at the station." Gojo said nonchalantly, pointing his hands in the air.

"And?" Nanami's eyebrow shot up with impatience. It was like he knew Gojo was hiding something.

"Aaand, we may have stopped by a building to kill a curse, which may or may not have been Grade 2." Gojo admitted sheepishly. It was clear that he himself knew that what he'd put us through wasn't normal.

Nanami tried to keep himself calm but he was losing patience. His eye was twitching from the anger that was building up in his system. Gojo seeing that, got a bit scared and started waving his hands in an apologetic manner.

"But everyone survived so I think it went better than it could." He smiled trying to deflate the situation.

"Better? Better?!" Nanami shouted, his anger finally spilling out. "These are kids Gojo, you can't just take them to kill a random curse and hope for the best!" He took a step towards the teacher, engulfing him in the threatening aura the blonde radiated.

Even though he was angry, it made me happy that he actually cared about us and wasn't apathetic to everything like he showed until now.

"And Y/N? Why would you take her, she didn't even kill a curse before! I'm responsible for her, you're really lucky that she's okay!" He looked at me, making sure that I was actually okay. His eyes stopped at my arms that were a bit scratched from when I fell down.

He was silent for a bit and then sighed. He pinched his nose bridge and turned to Gojo again.

"Listen, just check things beforehand when you send them on some mission. Y/N, you come with me, I'll check on your arms." He said tiredly and motioned me to follow him.

We walked into some room that had white cabinets and a bed with a table in the corner. It was the sick room where was everything you needed to take care of an injury.

"Sit down." Nanami said calmly and went to look for something in the cabinets.

I sat up on the bed and waited. I saw him taking out bandages and scissors.

"You don't have to do that, it's just scratches." I looked at my hands. It still stung but it wasn't something I'd die from. Simple water and soap would be sufficient enough.

He didn't say anything and only reached for my hand. I obediently put it in his palm without a word. He inspected the scratches.

Watching his face from such a close distance made me realize how good-looking he actually was. His sharp features made him look scary but his eyes that observed my hands with care made him look soft and approachable.

His soft blonde hair laid lazily on his head. I wondered how it would feel if I ran my hand through his hair, played with it, tugged at it.

He suddenly looked up, meeting my eyes. I immediately turned red and looked away.

"You were right, the scratches aren't that bad but I'll still put bandages on it to be sure." He said, thankfully not acknowledging my embarrassment but I still could make out a little smirk that danced on his lips. He clearly noticed my embarrassment.

He reached for the bandages and started cutting them up into little pieces that would cover the damaged skin.

I watched his hands carefully cut the bandage. I noticed how his fingers precisely and delicately cut and  handled the fabric.

"I'm sorry that Gojo put you through that. I should have known that he would do something stupid." He said apologetically. He sounded like he was angry more with him than Gojo.

"No, it's really okay. Like Mr. Gojo said, at least we are alive." I joked. He anxiously chuckled.

"And I managed to kill the curse with my freeze with the help of Itadori and Nobara." I said proudly. He looked at me again and gave me a little smile.

"That's good. I'm glad you made progress." He went back to putting the bandages on me.

I was happy that I made him proud. Finally, a step in the right direction. And that smile he gave me. Even if it was small, it warmed my heart. This would be my motivation for getting better.

I long for perfection, Nanami x readerWhere stories live. Discover now