11 Fighting Gojo

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I didn't tell anyone about the weird man. I didn't think it was important enough. But his question still lingered in my mind. He really imbedded himself in my head with that question.

"Y/N, you've been out of it lately, are you okay?" Megumi nudged my shoulder and whispered.

I was sitting at lunch with the other students and didn't touch my food once. I only sat there watching pieces of vegetables float in the soup in front of me.

Itadori and Nobara were furiously shoving food in their mouths and were too busy to notice us talk.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just got lost in my thoughts." I gave him a small smile to reassure him.

"Oh, okay then." He took a last look into my eyes, looking for the real answer because he knew I lied but didn't find any so he gave up and went back to eating.

I started eating too because I would faint from the intense training if I didn't get any nutrients in my system.

After we finished with lunch, we met again with our teachers. They put us in pairs and we were supposed to fight each other. I was against Nobara, who was a strong opponent but I observed her fighting before and learned in what order she used her moves and what her strategy was. Nanami taught me that, always observe your opponent and learn their ways to use it against them.

We were up first to fight. Both teachers and the guys sat down on a bench to watch our techniques and optionally correct our mistakes. I was already expecting remarks from Nanami so I prepared myself.

The fight went as I expected. Nobara followed her usual routine of attacking head-on so I adjusted my moves to that and dodged her every attack move and eventually managed to pin her to the ground.

Gojo and Itadori excitedly clapped and Nanami and Megumi only nodded in approval.

"Even though I'm happy you won, you could have done it quicker. We'll have to work on that later but I'm sure you'll learn quickly." Nanami remarked as expected.

I learned to hear only the small praises he'd pepper in with his complaints to make myself feel better.

"Well done Y/N, you really are something. It's a real shame that I can't have you all to myself like Nanami." Gojo chirped and dramatically held his chest.

Nanami shot him a look but I ignored it. However, Gojo's whining made an idea pop up in my head.

"Mr. Gojo, if you want to spent time with me so much, I will let you train me for a while." I said smugly. Now Nanami glared at me.

"Really? You hear that Nanami? She wants to train with me and not you~" Gojo jumped around Nanami and mocked him.

"Under one condition...I want you to answer one question." I demanded.

"And that is~" Gojo leaned close to my face with a wide smile.

"Don't worry about that right now. You wanted to train so let's go." I started walking towards the second training yard that was on the other side of the school. Gojo happily skipped behind me like a child.

After he got tired of his childish antics, he leaned closer to my ear while walking behind me.

"I knew you couldn't resist me. Nanami is boring, he wouldn't ever let you do what I would." He whispered and chuckled.

"Maybe but at least he's not annoying as you." I retorted.

"Uh, such harsh words." He whined, finally walking next to me.

I ignored him and stopped at the sand part of the yard.

"Okay let's just get this over with so I can get my answer." I sighed and took a fighting stance.

"As you wish but our training doesn't stop until you win over me." Gojo said smugly and put his hands in his pockets.

"Huh? Whatever." I growled. He stood like he was waiting for a bus or something. No fighting stance, no nothing.

And he wants to win like that? I smirked.

This will be easy.

I ran to him with hands curled up into fists but before I knew, I was looking at blank space where Gojo should be to meet my fist. My fist didn't made the slightest impact with his body.

"I thought you were faster." His voice said from behind me.

I needed to at least touch him to use my freeze skill. That would make things easier and give me time to attack him fully.

I quickly turned around, ready to jump on him again. I ran with my fists one more time, now carefully watching his moves.

His right foot slightly turned to the side.

Ha, I got you this time.

I took a step to his right and stretched my hand to reach him if he tried to avoid me.

But again I was met with just air.

He dodged me, that bastard.

"You learn quickly but it's not enough for me." He whispered, now in my other ear.

"Don't play with me!" I shouted out of frustration.

He chuckled, still standing in his casual pose. I was losing my calmness which made my attacks more sloppy.

After another few rounds of unsuccessful attempts to even make contact with Gojo's body, I dropped down exhausted.

"It's impossible...I give up..." I panted. "I just won't get to ask my question." I said defeated.

Gojo crouched down to my tired self. He smiled at me.

"I know you wouldn't give up that easily if it was for Nanami." He smirked.

My cheeks got quickly red. He was right. I have never gave up when fighting Nanami. I'd tire my body until he'd said to stop.

I long for perfection, Nanami x readerWhere stories live. Discover now