12 Nanami's unholy fantasies

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"Okay, you can let go now." Nanami said with a little breathless voice.

We were training again and today he was teaching me how to pin my opponent to the ground without using my skill, if I ever needed it.

Like any other training, it was peppered with a lot of criticism but also, and that was the part I learned to look forward to, little praises which would fill me with energy.

Currently, Nanami was laying on his stomach with his hand twisted behind his back by me. I was seated on his lower back, tightly holding his arm with my hands, using all of my strength to keep his arm there.

I was surprised that I even managed to get his large body down but a little voice in my head said that he had let me win.

Either way, I was happy to be finished with the tiring exercise. I let go of his arm and flopped down on his back with heavy panting. I felt his body tense up but ignored it because his back muscles were so comfortable to lay on and I had no energy to move either.

We laid in silence for a while until Nanami's body moved a bit, taking me away from the blissful moment.

"Uh, Y/N, I think you should get off me now." He said awkwardly.

I was feeling very lazy today and in need of bit of fun after the long day. So I didn't get off and instead snuggled my face into the back of Nanami's neck, smelling the sweet mixture of his cologne and sweat.

"Noo~" I whined.

"Y/N...I..." He stuttered out while trying to find me with his hand which clumsily grazed the sides of my body.

"Hahaha, stop, that tickles." I laughed and fell from his back.

*Nanami POV*

When I felt Y/N slide down from my back, I laid on my side and rested my head on one arm. I watched her continue to laugh until she stretched and calmed down. She finally opened her eyes which immediately found mine.

Those eyes that always held powerful fire looking to devour another challenge. But now they were calm, relaxed, loving...and they were looking at me.

My hunger for her kept building in me the longer I looked at her. I had to hold myself to not let my eyes take a better look at her whole body.

Fuck, why is she looking at me like that.

"What." She chuckled. Her cute carefree laugh made my heart warm up.

Shit, was I staring too long?

"Oh nothing, I was just thinking about something." I tried to keep my monotone to hide disturbance.

"Whatever you say." She smiled sheepishly.

I noticed that her eyes kept going to my tie. Something about it must have caught her attention.

Her hand slowly moved towards me. She made little steps with her fingers on the floor, I watched them walk until they reached my tie.

I wanted to stop her but I couldn't. I had to focus on not jumping on her and taking her right then and there. I don't know if she knew what she did to me and was just taking chance how far she could take. Or she was completely oblivious to the hunger in my eyes that appeared every time she got close to me.

I have fantasized many times fucking her in this gym. Tying her hands with my tie and making her beg for me and plead for my touch on her soft skin. Praising her for taking me well.

And I knew she would eat up my words like honey. I've noticed how the eyes sparked when I complimented her. That's why I was so selfish with my praises. I couldn't let her get used to it. She should beg for it and she would when I'd fuck her.

But that was all just in my head and that's where that should stay. I needed to keep myself in check.

But if she'd keep up this teasing attitude towards me, I don't know how long it would take me to let myself loose.

Her chuckle brought me out of my dirty mind.

"I don't get your style Nanami, why the spots on the tie." She observed the end of my tie in her hand.

"It's just a tie, don't look much into it." I barked and pulled it out of her grasp. I was mad at myself for being so easily flustered by this girl. I was used to women flirting with me far more intensely than Y/N and it wouldn't move me a bit but with Y/N it was different. She was slowly and surely taking control of me.

*end of flashback*

I long for perfection, Nanami x readerWhere stories live. Discover now