5 Sleepover

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He taught me some basic fighting techniques which he told me were more for strengthening my skill.

We trained the rest of the afternoon. I was sweating like crazy and almost fainted from all the moving.

The sun was already setting and we were still in the gym perfecting my moves. The hardest part was that I thought I did pretty good but Nanami always saw some flaw that I could improve.

I didn't know what I was doing wrong but he'd suddenly stop and say 'stop, do it again and right this time'. And we would start our routine from the beginning.

I was at the end of my strength and fell down on the floor. I was heavily panting, watching the ceiling. Nanami stood above me and looked at me with a stern expression.

Fuck, even from this angle he looked good.

"We'll end it here. I don't want to save you if you fainted." He said and went for his jacket. I only heard the door shut.

Did he actually leave me here? What a jackass. What if I fainted now? Oh, right. He wouldn't do anything because 'he DiDN't WaNt to SAve Me'.

I got up and went back to my dorm, hissing from the pain in my muscles. I didn't know that this was going to be so hard.

When I got into my room and changed into my pajamas, I was ready to go to bed. I heard few knocks on my door that made me stop in my tracks.

"Hey, Y/N are you asleep already?" A boyish whisper said.

I knitted my eyebrows on who could that be. I opened the door and saw Itadori. He gave me a smile.

"Did I wake you?" He whispered.

"No." I said tiredly.

"Okay so come with me." He took my hand and dragged me behind him. I quickly shut my door and followed him.

"Where are we going and why are we whispering?" I said quietly, while watching Itadori make light steps on the wooden floor.

"Shh, they could hear." He answered.

He didn't answer any of my questions which irked me a little. I was ready to go to bed so him pulling me out for no clear reason didn't make me half happy.

He stopped at Megumi's door and knocked on them in the same manner he did on mine.

Megumi opened and Itadori quickly pulled me in with him. He closed the door and listened in for a few seconds.

"Okay, the coast is clear." He said in a normal tone.

"Why are we (you) here." Me and Megumi said in unison.

We looked at each other and then at Itadori for an explanation.

"What, it's a sleepover. We are finally from our parents so we should enjoy it. Do you have some ghost stories? Cause I know I do." He jumped on Megumi's bed and settled in.

I excitedly followed on Megumi's bed while he sighed and eventually sat down too.

It was my first time having a sleepover. I didn't exactly know what that meant but it sounded fun.

Itadori started telling us his ghost stories which was pretty exciting. I wanted to get involved too so I told some of my encounters with the spirits back at home because I didn't exactly have ghost stories since I grew up with 'ghosts' from my early age.

After endless pleading from Itadori, Megumi joined in with a story as well. It was all so fun. It made me forget all the mishaps that happened to me that day.

Itadori was in the middle of telling us a funny story that happened to him when someone knocked on the door. We all froze and looked at the door.

"Underlings~ I know you're there~ momma wolf is here to collect her piggies~" The voice said behind the door.

Megumi sighed and stood up to open the door.

None other than their teacher, Gojo, appeared at the door. Again smiling widely. I don't know if he had other expressions at this point. I only saw him smiling but now it had undertones of anger.

"Hello students, I see you are enjoying your night. However, it is forbidden to be anywhere else than your dorm after ten o'clock and...oh?" He looked at his imaginary watch on his wrist. "...it is more than that."

We all waited for what was going to happen. Megumi was right he was unpredictable, he always has his smile but it didn't mean he was happy.

"I'm afraid you two aren't in your dorms so that would mean punishment. You'll get one definitely Itadori and you Y/N, I'll talk to Nanami about what we should do with you." Me and Itadori looked at each other in disbelief. It was clear that we thought that Gojo was this easy-going teacher who would be down for whatever. But our expectations were shattered right now.

We got up from the bed and went to our dorms.

I long for perfection, Nanami x readerWhere stories live. Discover now