Chapter 50: Horses

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"Mrs Dixon?"

I look over at Sam, one of the younger kids. I smile, despite my confused mind.


"Can you teach me how to ride a horse?" he asks.

I look to Buttons, who nuzzles my hair the way he always does.

"I don't see why not. You should check with your mom though..." I tilt my head a little. "Also, ask the other kids if they want to join too."

Sam grins. "Ok! Thank you, Mrs Dixon!"

I saddle up Buttons, riding him around the fence loop. He's a good horse, prompting me to think that he had a good trainer before all this.

I hear the sound of running footsteps. I look up to see Jessie with Ron, Sam, Mikey, Carl, and even Enid. I'm surprised to see her, but nevertheless I'm glad she showed up.

"Hey Hope!" Jessie says cheerfully. "Sam said you're teaching horse riding?"

I pull Buttons to a stop. I smile.

"Yup. Are you good with it?" I ask.

"Of course. As long as you know what you're doing."

I chuckle. "Years of riding camp plus recreational riding. I've got you covered."

Jessie smiles, saying goodbye to her two kids before turning and leaving. I hop off of Buttons and move to the fence.

"Did you really ride him bareback?" Ron asks.

"And shot down those roamers and saved Mr Dixon and Aaron?" Mikey adds.

A lump forms in my throat again at the thought of Daryl, but I force a smile and nod.

" was spur of the moment, honestly," I say.

"I think it's pretty cool," Carl comments.

"Thanks bud." I smirk. "Now, who wants to meet Buttons first?"

"ME!" Sam squeals. "PICK ME!"

"Sam?" I point to him, making him grin.

"Yes! What do I do?" he asks eagerly.

"Well, all of you need to say hi first. He's kind of skittish around new people." I look to the horse. "Buttons, come here."

I click my tongue. He comes, poking his head over the gate. Sam puts a hand on his muzzle, his eyes wide.

"Cool..." he whispers.

One by one, each kid pets Buttons, talking to him. I grab the bag of carrots I was rationed, letting them feed him. Even Enid takes a shot.

"Woah!" Sam gasps as Buttons chomps down on his carrot. "His teeth are so big!"

Ron laughs, nudging his little brother. I urge them all to come into the yard, thinking of teaching them how to lead the horse.

Daryl's POV

I frown as I leave the house. Hope isn't home, like I thought she would be. I immediately head towards the horse pen, hoping she's there. I hear kids laughing as I get nearer. When it comes into view, I slow to a stop.

Hope leads Buttons carefully while Sam, one of the kids, holds onto the horn of the saddle. She smiles at him, saying encouraging things to keep his courage up. A bunch of other kids, including Carl, all watch from the side. They all have smiles on their faces.

Hope stops Buttons, helping Sam climb off the correct way. The kids clap and cheer for their youngest companion as he throws his fist to the sky triumphantly. Hope smiles proudly, her eyes twinkling with love for these children.

Then, her head moves up a little, her eyes falling on me. Her happy expression falls and my heart bubbles up with guilt. Does she know?

The one girl in the group taps Hope's shoulder, asking something. She nods and looks away, moving to Buttons' lead again. I swallow the lump in my throat and go the other way, the guilt gnawing at me like a rabid squirrel.

Hope's POV

I laugh, proud that Sam managed to dismount Buttons properly. I look up, seeing Daryl watching from a distance. My smile falls instantly, my heart clenching.

There's a small tap on my shoulder.

"Isn't that your husband?" Enid asks softly.

I nod and look away from him, moving to Buttons' lead and grasping it.

"Anyone else want to try riding?" I ask.

Mikey raises his hand, moving forwards. He mounts the saddle with a bit of difficulty but gets on nevertheless. I let him get a feel for the rhythm as I lead the sleek black horse around the circle. When I look back up at the spot Daryl was at, he's gone.

Hours pass swiftly. By the end of the session, everyone can steer Buttons in the correct direction and get him walking, except for Enid. She didn't want to try.

"See you later guys!" I call as they run away.

"Thanks Mrs Dixon!" they shout, waving.

I smile and wave back. Enid lingers, looking to me. I switch my attention to her, smiling lightly.

"Are you ok?" I ask.

She nods. "Fine."

I take a few steps closer. "From my experience, when a girl says she's fine, she never actually means it."

Enid sighs, keeping a straight face. "It's hard for me."

"I get that," I respond. "Sure, I haven't been through what you have, but that just shows how strong you are. People like you can make it."

She looks up at me, and I swear I see something spark in her eyes. "Really?"

"Really. I'm not saying it's easy, but..." I shrug. "We do what we've got to do to stay sane and alive."

She nods, starting to walk away. After a moment, she stops and turns to look at me again.

"Could...could I try riding the horse sometime?" she asks.

I smile. "Of course."


She walks away, shoving her hands in her pockets. Buttons neighs and starts to graze. I pat his flank gently before starting to clean him up.

"Fantastic work," Deanna's voice breaks the silence.

I turn to her, smiling a pleasant smile. "Thanks."

"Those kids really look up to you," she comments. "Thanks for everything you've done for us, Hope."

"It's my pleasure, really," I respond.

"We need more people like you in the world." She smiles and leans against the fence. "I never would've expected someone like you to have this...hidden talent with animals."

I chuckle lightly. "I went to vet school for a reason."

"Your parents. They made you go."

I shake my head. "No, not just them. I liked veterinary medicine, but that small part of me wanted to follow my passion, my dream. You know?"

I look over at her. She nods.

"Yes. I get it." She pushes off the wood, looking towards the town centre. "Take care. I'll see you later."

"See you."

She walks away. I say goodbye to Buttons and hop out of the field, heading down the road. It's early evening. The sun hasn't yet set. I yawn, feeling incredibly exhausted.

For a moment, I forget that going home means Daryl will be there. I sigh and keep heading down the familiar path.

My house is empty when I return, an occurrence that sparks both good and bad feelings. I trudge upstairs, taking a five minute shower before collapsing into bed. I fall asleep immediately.

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