Chapter 1: Termites

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Rick pushes open the door to the train car slowly, peeking outside. We wait, breathless.

I look again at our four new companions. Something in my mind clicks when I see the girl with a bob-cut. She was with the Governor, when he attacked the prison.

"I didn't catch your names," I say, ignoring the new fact.

"I'm Tara," the girl says.

"Abraham Ford," the ginger army man lookalike says.

"Eugene," the man with a black mullet says.

"Rosita," the other girl with two pigtails says.

Daryl, Michonne, Carl, and I nod, and Rick keeps watching out the door.

"We've got to have a plan..." he grumbles. "We're not staying here any longer than we have to."

"Agreed. These Termites give me the creeps," I say.

"Termites?" Maggie asks.

"That's what I'm calling them." I shrug.

"Did you see the bones?" Daryl grimaces.

" you think they people?" Carl asks, a look of displeasure on his face.

"You never know..." Michonne whispers.

"Did you guys see Tyreese here? Anywhere?" Sasha asks.

"No," I say.

"That's good. That's really good," she murmurs, her shoulders sagging with relief.

"And Beth?" Maggie asks.

"There was a car with a white cross on the back. Someone took her, but she's alive," Daryl says.

"She's alive?"

"She's alive."

We continue to talk about what's happened, catching up. Daryl holds me close to him the whole time, his fingers brushing across my wedding ring.

Rick takes Glenn's watch from his pocket and begins working the chain against a wood pole, trying to slice off a sharp piece of wood.

"Everyone start making weapons. Let's go."

We nod, getting to work. I take off my belt and start working the ends into points. Maybe this'll be useful.

After a while, Daryl moves to the door, the sliver of light illuminating his face.

"We've got a few comin'," he says.

"Alright everyone. You know the drill. Go for the eyes first, then the throat." Rick moves to the door, and we ready our weapons.

We wait with baited breath for the door to open, but nothing happens.

The roof opens, and we all look up as someone drops a spray can into the car.

"MOVE!" Abraham yells.

It's too late, and the car begins to fill with smoke. We cough and choke, and my vision starts to blur as I fall to my knees.

"Hope, come on. Stay with me," Daryl says urgently, keeping his arm around me.

"Daryl..." I whisper, my voice terrified.

The door slides open, and we hear the grunts of our friends nearby.

Daryl is wrenched from my grasp, and I struggle upwards.

"Daryl!" I cry.

"Hope!" he yells back.

"No! Please! Take me instead!" I beg, stumbling towards the door.

I hear Daryl call my name one last time before something smacks me over the head and I collapse into darkness.

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