Chapter 57: Dream

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A field; a beautiful field of rolling grass and various prairie flowers growing amongst the golden stalks. The sky above me is the bluest I've ever seen, fluffy white clouds dotting the curtain of sky. I move among the stalks, barefoot and wearing a white sundress. The wind blows, rustling my hair and blowing it back across my shoulders in soft tendrils.

I shut my eyes, running my hands over the golden stalks all around me. The sun feels good against my face, warming my skin. I haven't enjoyed the sun like this for so long.

A hawk flies overhead, letting out a caw. I grin and break into a run, my feet flying beneath me. The bird flies over top of me, the shadow of its wings falling across my back. I run faster, feeling like I could take flight.

The wind blows harder as I skid to a stop. I grin, catching my breath as the hawk flies away. There's a growling sound from nearby as a few dark shapes blur past me in the tall grass. The things circle me, and I catch small things like glowing eyes, pointed ears, or giant paws.

There's a long, mournful howl. The clouds seem to whip together, forming a giant "W" in the sky. The howl sounds again, the creatures moving out from the grass and moving to my side.


I wake suddenly, my mind still clouded with thoughts of the strange dream. It was certainly one of the more pleasant ones I've had, but why wolves? Why the giant "W" in the sky?

"Hope? Mind if I come in?" a voice sounds from my door.

"It's open, Elliot," I say, sitting up slowly.

The tall doctor opens the door, walking inside. He smiles lightly.

"How're you feeling?" he asks. "Sorry for coming into your house without asking, but-"

"I was asleep." I smile. "I'm feeling better. Less achy everywhere."

"Good!" he says brightly. "I brought you your painkillers and some of lunch. Lasagna, which I believe you requested."

"Really? They actually made it?"

"With difficulty, but I think it's satisfactory." He chuckles.

I nod, letting out a long breath. "How long was I asleep?"

"Nearly the whole day. You need the rest though."

"Is Daryl back?" I ask.


I take a deep breath, my eyes falling to the window. The sun is already getting low in the sky, and I hypothesize that it must be sometime around six o'clock.

I look to my bedside table, where I remember that we have working clocks.

6:04 pm

I smirk lightly.

"If you want, we can go for a walk. Buttons needs some attention," Elliot suggests.

"Did anyone feed him?"

"Well, yes, but he won't let anyone brush him off. That is, except for Daryl and you."

"Right. Let's go."

I push myself out of bed, finding that I do feel a lot better. The sleep and the medicine have really helped, and he waits outside the bedroom while I brush my hair and teeth and change into some fresh clothes.

With some help from Elliot, we get outside. We head down the street, not feeling the need to make much conversation. I smile at the doctor; he's a very kind man, and I feel the promise of a friendship blossoming between us.

Buttons whinnies happily when he sees me, snuffling my face with his velvety nose. I laugh, petting him.

"Hey, boy. I missed you too." He knickers softly. I hug his sturdy neck. "I forgive you for throwing me. It's my fault I scared you."

Elliot chuckles. "Amazing..."

I look to him, still stroking Buttons' mane. "What?"

"That horse adores you. I've seen him with other people, and he hardly lets them touch him. The kids are a different story, but the adults..." He laughs and runs his hand over his shortly cut hair.

I shrug. "I guess he's just attached to Daryl and I."

I climb into the pen, brushing Buttons down and getting the tangles out of his mane. I think of my dream again; the wolves and the giant "W" in the sky. What does it mean?

I start to feel tired again, finishing with the horse and climbing out. Elliot's forehead creases with worry.

"I think you should get some more rest," he says. "We don't need you straining yourself anymore."

I sigh. "Ok, but will you wake me when Daryl gets back?"

"Of course, Hope." He smiles.

I wave goodbye to Buttons as we walk away. I watch everything as we walk, seeing only a few people wandering around in the street. I look as far past as I can, seeing the gate in my mind's eye. I want so badly for Daryl to walk through it again, enveloping me in a tight hug. The idea of him spending the night out there...

I shake my head, gripping my necklace pendant.

Goodness, Hope. Stop being so emotional. He's a survivor. He'll be ok, I scold myself.

Then again, even the strongest people can be killed.

I bid Elliot an early goodnight before heading back up into my room and falling asleep.

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