Chapter 20: Home

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As we enter the church, flanked by Michonne and Noah, everyone's heads turn.

I can't stop my mouth from falling open as I stare at the carnage inside. The mutilated bodies of Gareth and his other Termites lay everywhere, and my mind races for a possible explanation.

Rick comes towards us, enveloping me in a tight hug, then switching to Daryl.

"We thought they had gotten you too," he says, relief evident in his tone. "Where's Carol? What happened?"

He looks behind us at Noah and Michonne, his face wary. I open my mouth to speak, but my head spins and I collapse again. Daryl steadies me, and I lean against his sturdy chest, closing my eyes as my weakened legs tremble.

"We've been through a lot. We'll explain everythin' over some food," Daryl says, rubbing my arm comfortingly.

"Alright, we've got stuff to explain too," Rick agrees.

Everyone nods, and a few people start dragging the bodies out of the church. Daryl takes one look at me before scooping me up off the ground and carrying me to a pew. Rick and Noah join us, and I smile weakly.

Daryl rubs the back of his neck. "So, uh, I drove a van off a bridge tryin' to get away from these walkers. Hope flew out the back and got beat up pretty bad."

Rick's eyes flood with concern and he touches my forehead carefully.

"How bad?"

"Glass stuck in my legs, and I got knocked out," I mumble. "Ugh, I've already puked and been achy everywhere."

"What about Carol and...him?" Rick asks, jerking his thumb towards Noah.

"That's Noah...He knows Beth," Daryl says.

"She's alive?"

"And she's trapped at Grady Memorial Hospital," Noah jumps in.

"They've got Carol too," I say solemnly.

Rick runs his hand through his hair, exhaling.

"If you'll allow it, I want to help you," Noah offers. "Please."

Rick looks him over, nodding slowly. "But you betray us, or hurt our people..." He motions to the few mangled bodies still littering the floor.

"I get the idea sir."

Michonne takes Noah to help her out, and Daryl and I look up at Rick, waiting for an explanation.

"Bob was bit on that last run," he says. I gasp, and Daryl's face falls. "He went out before you left, and Gareth snatched him. They cut off his leg get it. He's in that room with Sasha now. Won't last much longer."

I sniff, my heart breaking. How many people do we have to lose? Daryl grasps my hand, and Rick sighs.

"After him and you three disappeared, we feared the worst."

"What about Glenn, Maggie, and all of them?" I ask.

"They've gone to Washington with Eugene to cure this thing."

We fall silent, and I take in all the news carefully.

"The problem is gone now. But, now we've got another one on the horizon," Rick says. "You should get some rest. I'm glad you're safe."

He leans down and gives my forehead a kiss, and Daryl laughs at my shocked expression as he walks away.

"He loves you like a sister," he says.

"It's been a long day..." I groan, leaning against the ratty old pillow on the pew.

"Yeah. I'll grab us some food."

"Squirrels?" I ask as he gets up. He raises an eyebrow, and I shrug. "I feel like having squirrels."

He laughs. "I'll see what we've got. I'll go huntin' tomorrow."

He gives me soft kiss before turning and walking away. I rest, trying to ignore the pains everywhere on my body.

"Hey Hope."

I open my eyes to see Carl, holding Judith carefully.

"Hey bud," I say.

"Are you ok?" he asks, and Judith coos.

"I'm going to be fine. It's been a crazy few days," I murmur.

"I'm really glad you're back. I'd miss my Auntie Hope." He smiles, and I give him a hug, kissing Judith's forehead.

"And I'd miss the two of you."

He walks away as Daryl returns, handing me a can of soup.

"It ain't much, but it's what we've got," he says.

"This is fine. Thanks babe."

He kisses my cheek. "You're welcome angel."

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