Chapter 51: Makeup or Breakup?

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Daryl's POV

"Has anyone seen Hope?" I ask as I go into Rick's house.

Everyone's gathered for dinner there, as per usual. They all look up at me, shrugging.

"Last time I saw her was when she was training Buttons," Michonne mentions.

"Same," Maggie agrees.

"Maybe she went and had a nap. She's been working pretty hard lately," Glenn suggests.

"You checked your house, right?" Abraham asks.

I cross my arms. "No..."

"That's the most obvious place, dude," Tara says.

"I know! I know!" I turn, heading to the door. "Be back soon!" I call over my shoulder.

"Bye!" everyone choruses.

I head to my house, strolling inside and heading up the stairs. I poke my head into our bedroom, where sure enough, Hope lays sprawled out on the mattress, sleeping.

I move to her side, touching her shoulder and shaking gently.

"Hope?'s dinner," I murmur.

She wakes up with a small noise, looking up at me. She blinks a few times, the film of sleep still blurring her vision.


"Dinner. Rick's place."

"Oh. Yeah."

She gets up, shaking her hair out. Her hair has dried into her natural curls while she slept, so her bedhead looks good. She brushes past me, throwing on her boots and leaving without a second glance my way.

I follow her back to the group, where everyone is settling down with plates of food.

"Hey! You found her!" Noah says as we get inside.

"Yup," she replies, deadpan.

"Napping?" Rosita asks.

Hope nods. "I keep forgetting I'm pregnant and need to sleep."

"Well, we're all glad you're here anyways," Tara says. "This food's pretty good, considering the rations."

"I'll be glad to try some." She puts on an obviously forced smile and spoons some of the food on to her plate.

I follow, wondering what's bothering her so much. Is this another pregnancy thing?

Again, I feel that same guilt flare up. I need to tell her. I can't do this.

Carol smiles at me. "Hungry?"

"Yup," I mumble.

"Good thing I'm a good cook." She smirks.

I smile lightly, glancing over at Hope. Her gaze flies back to her plate when she sees me looking.

"Where's Sasha?" Eugene asks.

"Out on patrol, I think," Rick answers, spoon feeding Judith mashed up veggies. "She needs her space."

Everyone agrees silently. I move to the spot beside Hope, flopping down. Although she doesn't object, she doesn't meet my gaze either.

"What's wrong?" I whisper to her.

"Nothing," she mumbles, eating some of her potatoes.

"That's a lie and you know it," I return.

"Oh really? What if I don't know it?"

I arch an eyebrow, frowning. "Is this another hormonal pregnancy thin'?"

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