Chapter 19: Noah Meet the Group

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We drive back towards the church in silence. Daryl snagged a moving truck and we got out of Atlanta as quick as we possibly could.

Noah taps his knee nervously from his spot between our seats in the front.

"So...uh, you two are married?" he asks, trying to start conversation.

"Yup," Daryl answers cooly.

"How long?"

"A little over two weeks, I think," I answer.

Noah looks surprised, and he opens and closes his mouth a few times before finally speaking.

" got married during this whole thing."

"We met right at the start. Dated for two or three years." I smile.

"Huh...that's impressive."

"Completely," Daryl agrees.

It's night fall by the time we get back to the woods near the church. Daryl parks the truck somewhere secluded and we start trekking back.

My legs start to ache again, and I stumble. Instantly, Daryl's arm is around my waist, pulling me back up.

"Come on angel, only a little farther," he whispers.

"They hurt," I say, trying not to whine.

"I know..." He bites his lip. "It's all my fault."

"Stop telling yourself that," I scold.

"But it was! I drove the car off the damn bridge!"

Noah's eyes widen to the size of dinner plates, and I smile sheepishly.

"We're here," I divert his attention, pointing to the clearing where a little church can be seen.

As Daryl helps me out of the trees, we are greeted by Michonne and her katana. She smiles when she sees us, looking relieved beyond compare.

Her smile falls when she sees the shape I'm in, and Daryl glances behind us at the forest.

"Come on out," he says.

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