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"You're late."

Clara cringed at his harsh tone, but was expecting it nonetheless.

"I apologize, I had some matters to attend to."

"You're my maidservant, you have no other matters to attend to." Clara raised an eyebrow at this, unamused by his words.

"I happen to have two jobs, my lord." She sneered.

Technically three jobs, but what does he know. She thought to herself with a mental eye roll.

With a clenched jaw, the Prince waved his hand, motioning for her to get to work.

"Well, what do you want me to do?" she crossed her arms.

"Wash my clothes."

"I already did that." she shrugged.

"Fold them?"


"Make my be-" His eyes trail on his bed that has already been made. "Never mind."

"So..." she trailed off.

"Go bring me dinner then, I'm hungry." he returned his focus on the papers in front of him, as he wrote down some things.

"Okay, but I'll have to make it first."

"Don't we have other cooks?" he raised an eyebrow

"Well yes," she nodded. "but I've been assigned to be your personal cook."

"I don't understand why all of a sudden my father decided that I need a babysitter." he rolled his eyes.

"He knows what he's doing." she sighed. "And for the love of god, please stop complaining."

"I'm not complaining!"

"Sure." she smiles sarcastically. "Now come on, let's go."


"You have to come to the kitchen with me." she said.

"Why on earth would I do that?" he scoffed.

"Oh uh," Clara stumbled on her words, her face flushing, realizing she couldn't tell him he's being tracked by an assassin. "there is...a rat!"

"A rat?!"

"Yes!" she nodded, "Can't have you here when there's a rat, right? Besides, there are lots of beautiful maidens in the kitchen."

Clara hated how he agreed to come after her last statement, something didn't settle easy with her after that.

Ahead of Clara and Victor was a very long -and most likely tense- walk to the kitchen, because it was quite far from the royal chambers.

Unbeknownst to the prince, Clara was looking around them with every step, making sure they were not being followed. Victor thought she was glancing at him, and a smirk made its way onto his lips.

He continued to watch her; how she walked with authority despite having none, and how she held her head high without a falter. It surely intrigued him.

And annoyed him.

He felt like she was challenging him, and he didn't like that he felt like she was getting the upper hand somehow. She radiated power, the same thing he should have as a prince.

"Cleo," he fought back the smile that threatened to show when he saw her tense and let out a frustrated sigh, muttering something under her breath. Before he could continue his sentence, she spoke up.

"If you keep calling me Cleo, I'll have no problem with calling you a royal rodent."

"Wouldn't be the first time would it?"

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