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Avelyn went through a harsh winter.

And it wasn't just the cold, but the dread of a possible war in between kingdoms. Knights trained harder than ever, perfecting their skills in case they needed to put them to use. More men had joined training to ensure the safety of their home. The castle guards trained like knights, their main devotion being protecting their loved ones.

Edwin felt conflicted; his part as a general fighting with his part as a father. Clara had been knighted, and he was so proud of her, but he never thought a war would be coming their way so soon. As foolish as it was, he had hoped she wouldn't experience any wars.

Alas, Crounia's greed for power was inevitable.

Knowing he wouldn't be able to stop her from participating against the kingdoms who dared to cross them, Edwin made sure to train her fiercely. His commands were harsher, leaving no room for the slightest error.

Clara understood, and she worked ever harder to become the best version of herself.

Julian and Clara often trained together when each two had been partnered up to spar, or other things. They were Edwin's best knights, and he felt immense pride, yet blanketed with fear of dark possibilities in their future.

Victor saw less and less of Clara. In between her training and cooking, and him constantly being with his friend Thomas, or Carmen, the two only saw one another early in the morning when Clara went to wake him and prepare his clothes for the day. Sometimes Hazel would do it if Clara was too busy or tired from the previous night's training.

And boy did she love teasing Victor about Carmen.

Victor and Carmen had been quite...friendly, much to Thomas' dismay. With Carmen's beauty and Victor's charm, no one was really surprised to see them take a liking to each other.

Especially with Clara and Hazel playing cupid.

The three girls had become good friends as well; often going to the town and enjoying the peace it brought them. Occasionally, they had tea parties which Lila adored. Carmen even let her wear one of her tiaras.

Which of course led to her wanting to be a princess, surprising absolutely no one.

On a sunny yet cold morning, Clara entered Victor's room, making a beeline to his bed. Not wasting any time, she struck him with a stray pillow making him wake up with a yelp.

"Wake up!!"

"Will you ever stop doing that?" he groaned with his head in his hands.

"It's either this or my fist," she shrugged. "and I assure you, you might not wake up if I use that instead."

He mumbled something under his breath, freezing when Clara chuckled, indicating that she heard him.

"Now come on," she threw him his clothes, and he caught them easily due to all the mornings of Clara throwing things at him out of nowhere. Clara smiled, seeing him catch it. "we're riding in an hour."

"Oh, that's today?" he asked.

"What would you do without me?" she put a hand on her hip, shaking her head.

"Not be where I'm supposed to be." he laughs. His eyes then notice her apparel. "You're wearing trousers again?"

"I'm not riding horses with skirts anymore." she said blandly.

"Not very ladylike though, is it?"

"Clothes don't make a lady." she turned to him with steel eyes. "Just like the way you think doesn't make you a man."

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