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Spring in Avelyn was joyous time. People from neighboring kingdoms always paid a visit to the lavish kingdom during the springtime, knowing it was a sight they could not afford missing. With the arrival of spring came a new beginning; a celebration they called Nowruz.

It was the first day of Nowruz, and Clara had finally healed enough to be able to walk around without her friends needing to keep an eye on her. Though her recovery was tough, she was even tougher.

Clara's laugh sounded around as Lila danced around in her new dress, singing happily to herself as the two sisters walked the town's market. Clara's basket was already full of ingredients she'd bought to bake some goods for all her friends and neighbors who helped with her spring cleaning; a tradition in every house to prepare for Nowruz.

"Clara, dear!" The florist grinned upon spotting her, motioning for her to walk over. "I wanted to give you these; a small thank you for what you've done for us."

Clara blushed and smiled shyly, waving her hand nonchalantly. "You guys did all the work."

"With your guidance nonetheless." She smiled warmly at the younger girl. "Please, accept these gifts."

"Please, Clara?" Lila tugged on Clara's sky blue skirt. "They're so pretty!!"

"Alright, alright..." She chuckled at her sister who yelled out in delight and reached out so that the florist could place the flower crown upon her head, decorating her hair with beautiful colorful petals mixing with beautiful daisies. "What do we say, Lila?"

"Thank you!" The little girl grinned at the older woman who returned the gesture.

She then turned to Clara, placing her own special crown on her head, taking a few threads of her hair from under the flower crown to frame her face.

Clara's hair glistened in the sunlight, the orange petals of the Nasturtiums bringing out the golden tones of her locks. She couldn't help but smile at the sight of the familiar flowers; she often got them for Edwin after each fight he had won.

She never thought she'd be the one receiving them one day.

With one last smile and thank you, the two sisters continued their walk in the market, buying everything they needed, and many things they didn't need, but alas Clara could not convince her sister otherwise.

"You little goblin..." Clara shook her head with a tiny chuckle, paying the merchant for the bag she insisted she needed more than air itself, even though she hated carrying things and had many unused bags at home. 

"Kids, huh?" The merchant laughed. "Got a few goblins myself."

Clara laughed cheerily. "Can't live without them though."

"Indeed." He smiled fondly. "Happy Nowruz, my lady."

"Happy Nowruz." She smiled back before she ran after her little sister.

The market was filled with various scents of blossoming flowers and many baked goods, and the knight could easily recognize the strong smell of saffron when she passed by some food vendors. Street performers were strumming their instruments and singing happily at every corner she turned, the sound mixed in with the loud chatter of the people as they shopped together. Kids ran around causing trouble all around, even making Clara stumble a few times when they crashed into her while running.

As she watched the two kids run away giggling to themselves after apologizing for crashing into her, Clara remembered how she and Hazel were the same; chasing each other until they could no longer breathe. She remembered Edwin's face as he ran after them, holding baby Lila firmly to his chest, making sure her fabric strap wouldn't slip off of his shoulders.

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